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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/30/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

Wow, what a day.

We knew the Trump “hush-money” trial verdict would be coming in soon and likely today.

Sure enough, it dropped today at the very end of the day and immediately started sending out shockwaves everywhere:


I told you shockwaves were instantaneous….

And almost all good.

The groundswell of support for this man is overwhelming!

Starting here:

Trump Fundraising Website Crashes After Guilty Verdict: Sleeping Giant Awakens!

Another one here:

HUGE: Silicon Valley Investor Announces $300,000 Donation to Trump After Guilty Verdict: The Dam is Breaking!

And then I have answers to some of your most pressing questions.

Will this prevent him from running for President?

What’s Next After Felony Conviction: Can Trump Still Run For President? Is He Going to Jail?

Will he lose his Secret Service protection?

Will President Trump Keep His SECRET SERVICE Protection?

As all of this was going on, one video clip from 30+ years ago kept running through my head.

Anyone else remember this?

PROPHETIC? President Trump Told Us 30 Years Ago: “I’d Like To Lose It All…”

Playing out before our very eyes!

Then we have another one of these:

34 Year Old Country Singer Diagnosed with Heart Condition

And what in the world is happening here?

TRAGEDY: Actress Falls 5 STORIES While Already At Hospital For “Undisclosed” Emergency

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say someone didn’t want her to stay alive!

Speaking of not staying alive:

Dr. Peter McCullough: “I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career — now I see two per day!”

And we end with a report involving Barron Trump.

Donald Trump.

Elon Musk.

Barron Trump.

What a group!

Barron Trump Included In Special Meeting With Elon Musk

Ok, we’ll have MUCH more for you tomorrow as the dust continues to settle.

Until then.

Your friend,



Have you seen this?

Your Bank Account Could Be Cut in Half—Here’s How to Protect It

Yes, this is for real.

Here are the crucial steps you must take before it’s too late…..READ HERE

ALERT: Your Bank Account Could Be Cut in Half—Here’s How to Protect It


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