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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/31/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Friday night Newsletter.

We continue to have massive ripples spilling out after the Guilty verdict yesterday.

First was Megyn Kelly responded like I have never seen her before:

WATCH: Megyn Kelly FIRES BACK – Democrats In Prison, ‘The ONLY Way’

And then Dan Bongino:

Dan Bongino’s Warning: You’ve Angered the Bear of Trump Supporters!

This seems especially relevant right now:

Decorated Army Infantryman Shows You How To Survive The Biggest Threat To America Ignorance Could Doom 90% Of Americans

The Elon Musk / Donald Trump connection seems to be deepening….

I can’t wait to see this!

Elon Musk to Host a Town Hall with President Trump

And I dug this up today…

Does anyone else remember this?

The HYPOCRISY Is Astounding: Flashback To The Time Paula Jones Proudly Flaunted Her “Payoff” Check From Bill Clinton

So this was ok and perfectly fine for Bill Clinton but not ok for Trump?

Never mind the fact that I don’t think the Trump / Stormy situation ever happened in the first place!

But there are HUGE silver linings….

The country is rallying behind President Trump in unprecedented fashion:

Here’s How Much President Trump Has Raked In From Donations Since the Guilty Verdict

The most exciting part of that report is not even the money itself — it is the groundswell of support it represents!

And that means LANDSLIDE victory incoming in November!

But speaking of donating, the #1 question I get asked these days is how to safely and securely donate to Trump and only Trump.

So I put this together today:

How To Donate SAFELY and SECURELY To Donald J. Trump

We also had Ivanka speak out today with 4 incredible words:

Ivanka Trump Issues First Statement Following President Trump’s Guilty Verdict

And a FIRE speech by President Trump himself:

WATCH LIVE NOW: President Trump Delivers Speech Following Guilty Verdict

But beware what comes next….

Megyn Kelly said it best: what we have now is a rabid wolf (Democrats) who have tasted blood.  They won’t stop.  They will only amp things up farther and faster from here.

Is this what comes next?

THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING: First It’s Lawfare – Is A Pandemic Next?

In the midst of all of this, almost no one noticed this happened:

BREAKING: Supreme Court 9-0 Ruling, Liberals Lose Their Minds

And the other big question I am getting right now is this:

Will President Trump Keep His SECRET SERVICE Protection?

We end with our top story:

Did They Just Walk into a TRAP Set for The EX-PRESIDENTS?

Ok, that’s a wrap.

I am totally worn out tonight, I’m hitting the sack!

See you all tomorrow.

Your friend,



Have you seen this from Dr. Zelenko?

“Zinc Is The Bullet — It Kills The Virus. The Only Problem Is The Bullet Doesn’t Get To The Place Where It Needs To Be”



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