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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/1/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Saturday night Newsletter.

Wow, so much to show you tonight, this is one of the busiest Saturdays I can remember!

We start with a powerful message from Derek Johnson explaining what is truly going on behind the scenes:

Derek Johnson: It HAD TO Be This Way!

Very much related:

Trump Campaign Issues Warning To Joe Biden Following Guilty Verdict

And not many people caught this, but on the very same day as the Guilty verdict, Trump also got this good news:

NY Appeals Court Awards Trump Legal Win Same Day As Verdict

You may have noticed that on this June 1st your social media feed is now covered in GAY!

Welcome to “Pride” month.

I have many thoughts on this, but I’ll start with this: how fitting is it that they take one of the 7 deadly sins (Pride) and use that to support another sin (Homosexuality).

How fitting!

The other thing I always think of whenever I hear about “Pride” is Norm Macdonald’s absolutely classic bit where he points out as only he can that this is something kind of strange to be “proud” of.

Watch here:

Norm Macdonald: “We’re Just So PROUD Of Him!”

Then we also have this:

Pride No More: June 2nd is Ex-Gay Visibility Day

Back to President Trump, they are really throwing in the kitchen sink and trying to turn this into something much bigger than it is.

Here’s the latest today:

BANNED: Nearly 40 Countries Won’t Let Trump Visit

But President Trump is fighting back (of course) and we already have this:

Trump’s Game Plan: The Legal Path to Flip His Conviction

He also continues to gain huge support all over the place.

Thank you Brian!

NFL Legend DEFENDS President Trump: “He’s Still Got My Vote”

Donations and Approval Rating continue to jump through the roof:

Trump’s Approval JUMPS UP While He Receives Nearly $53 MILLION in Donations!

Then we have an update on the upcoming planned food shortages:

Massive Fire Kills Millions of Chickens, Shortage Could Be On The Way

And we end with our top story….

Mike Pence has weighed in on Trump’s conviction:

Mike Pence Responds To Trump’s Conviction

Screw you too Mike!

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.

Another day where I am completely tuckered out.  I’ve gotta go get some rest and recharge those batteries!

Your friend,



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