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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 5/8/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter.

Wow, another huge day today and I have so much to show you I have to include some extras again tonight, hope that’s ok.

We start with MTG vs. Speaker Johnson….and Trump seems to have chosen a side now too:

Speaker Johnson Defeats Motion To Vacate, But Trump’s Statement Shows He May Not Have Much Longer

Speaking of everyone's favorite President, you gotta love this:

Trump Ahead in State Republicans Haven’t Won Since 1972

And this is truly a must-see:

MUST SEE: Boeing 767 Cargo Plane Makes Dramatic Landing Without Front Landing Gear In Latest Mishap [VIDEO]

I would NOT want to be flying anywhere right now, very scary.

These planes are death traps!

Speaking of old and very scary, enjoy this one:

Joe Biden Suffers Another Embarrassing Loss To The Teleprompter

Next up, two huge wins today for Trump.

First with Fatty Willis:

Appeals Court Strikes Blow To Fani Willis, REOPENS Bid To Have Her Disqualified!

And then with Fat Alvin:

Anti-Trump Legal Expert Sides With Trump, Devastating For Alvin Bragg!

Now I can already hear some people saying, "Noah, why do you have to call them fat?  It's beneath you.  Don't do that!"

So I'd like to answer that.

I point out that they're both very fat because it shows they both lack discipline in their personal lives.

And I find it very ironic and wrong that two obese people who can't even run their own lives think they have ANY moral standard to go after a man who has so much discipline he's never even had a drop of alcohol his whole life, and he gets up at 4am each day ready to WORK!

You fat bastards think you stand in a morally superior place to go after this man?

What a joke!

Of course we know Willis and Bragg aren't really doing it....they're not smart enough.....they're just figureheads.

But in any event, they're playing their role and I find them both repugnant on multiple levels!

Ok, moving on....

The momentum is building:

Trump See HUGE Boost In Support From Suburban Women

And we're doing our part here....

Please help us:


Today I had to feature a piece of reader mail because it was so interesting I had to share:

READER MAIL: “When Was This Interview, 4-5 Years Ago?”

Big update next on this story I first brought you yesterday:

UPDATE: 911 Call Revealed For Wife Of Pastor Dead By Gunshot To Head

Love to know what you think about that.

And also love to know if you find this funny:

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Jon Stewart Goes After Joe Biden

Since I'm on fire tonight, I'm going to go ahead and address the LGBTQ army....

They're organized.

They have a clear plan.

They're working their plan to perfection.

What are you doing?

Oh and then there was this....

Nothing to see here, just MUTANT EBOLA:

The Madness Continues: Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Ebola Virus

And we end with our top stories....

Both involve the Patrick Bet-David Podcast.

I want to say first that I am a HUGE PBD fan.

I was watching PBD before he really became popular, love all his stuff.

But he had two big blunders today.

First was employing this guy, who still can't even admit he was wrong and Joe Rogan (and US!) were right about Ivermectin.

Listen to this weasel explain how he's now taking Ivermectin (he almost can't get the words out of his mouth) because he's vaccine damaged but in the same breath he swerves way out of his lane to say "but Joe Rogan is still wrong".

What a fucking asshat!

Sorry folks, I told you I was worked up tonight and asshats like Chris Cuomo are not helping me calm down:

After Trashing It In 2020, Chris Cuomo Now ADMITS It: “I am taking …Ivermectin”

I want to be very clear why I'm so fired up and angry about this guy....

4 years after the "pandemic" we're already starting to forget some things, but not me.

I remember what it was like.

There was IMMENSE pressure from all angles to take the poison vaxx.

From you employer (with threat of being fired if you didn't!) from the government, from Hollywood, from friends...

You even had the freaking FDA running ads saying "You are not a horse".

So amidst incredible pressure most of us have not experienced before in our lives, some people did what Chris Cuomo did and piled on and pushed the "Get the Jab, Ivermectin is bad" narrative.

And I want to be really clear about this: THAT ALMOST CERTAINLY COST MANY LIVES LOST.

In two ways....

First, the people who died from taking the poison jab.

And second, the people who COULD have been saved by Ivermectin.

So now 4 years later and this asshat coward goes on the PBD Podcast and can't even get the words out of his fucking mealy mouth that he's now taking Ivermectin because he's vaccine damaged and instead of apologizing and saying he's wrong he uses the opportunity to slam Joe Rogan.....?


I hope that's clear, and I also hope it's clear to anyone who might trend towards being offended, may I simply remind you that even the Bible says there is a time for righteous anger.

And this is one of those times.

But do you know who DID tell you the truth?

We did.

I did.



It took a lot of courage to shout out from the rooftops an opinion that was contrary to all the massive propaganda the machine was pushing out at you.

I told you the vaccines seem very dangerous to me, don't take them.

I told you EXTREMELY early on that my research showed Ivermectin was (1) safe -- safer than Aspirin even, (2) highly effective at treating multiple things, and (3) cheap!

While Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon and the FDA told you the opposite, little old Noah stood here alone, standing only with other patriotic "influencers" (I hate that word) and standing solely on the courage of my own convictions.

So don't come around here now Chris Cuomo and try to offer some lame, half-assed apology that still wastes breath trying to STILL attack people like Joe Rogan (and me!).

Ok, that rant is over, but a second one is just starting....

The second fail from PBD today was his interview of Cuba Gooding Jr.

VERY strange interview.

I came away from it both kind of liking Cuba but also feeling like he was either on drugs or having a manic episode and noting that at least one story was a bold-faced lie -- and PBD never even called him on it.

Take a look:

NEW: Cuba Gooding Jr. gave a very strange interview on Patrick Bet-David's
podcast this morning -- and told one huge WHOPPER of a lie.

He appeared manic and unable to control his thoughts in many instances, while also often appearing very charming in other instances.

At one point he scolded
"You interview, you don't listen!"

But the part that really caught my attention is when he said he was elected Junior High Class President and he got the student body to vote to move 9th grade from the Junior High over to the High School.

Sorry Cuba, I'm calling BS. That NEVER happened.

Do you have any idea how much disruption that would cause in terms of the school board allocating resources like buildings, teachers, etc?

The "Student Body President" is a nice little figurehead role they give to kids but you don't have that kind of authority to make decisions like that. A school district and school board very carefully make those decisions and it involves long planning, multiple public meetings, votes of the board, etc.

I rate this story 100% BS.

How much of the other stuff in this interview is true or similar BS?

Thing is, I like the guy. He seems very relatable and friendly.

But I don't like being lied to and this wasn't even a good lie.

Come on PBD
how did you let him tell this story and not even question him on it? I love PBD in this clip pretending like he just didn't hear that and moving on to "do you remember where you lived?"

Ok, I'm going to wrap it up here.

See you all tomorrow.

Your friend,



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