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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/1/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with a huge Thursday night Newsletter.

I am always excited to bring you the news, but some days just have a little “extra”.

Today is one of those days.

Super excited to show you all this and to get your thoughts.

Starting with something that really made my night…

Earlier today we Tweeted at Elon Musk to ask him what was going on with this report of censorship on Twitter:

A few hours later Elon Tweeted that the censorship was a mistake and that he had reversed it!

And I believe he fired the person responsible!

Musk Reverses Censorship Decision!

Way to go Elon, yes!!!

Thank you!

Next up, you gotta love this too:

Hillary Clinton Gets Bad News…

With 87,000 agents, surely we can spare 1,000 to work on her case?

And a big warning to anyone who has kids and thinks you’re keeping them safe with these wipes:

Dangerous Chemicals Found In Common Disinfectant Wipes

You could be doing serious damage.

Then we go to Humpty Dumpty Biden who took a big fall today:

Biden Falls While Speaking To Air Force Academy

And his buddy Bruce Springsteen who also tumbled and faceplanted:

Bruce Springsteen FACEPLANTS…Just Like His Buddy Joe Biden!

Next up are two very creepy stories that both come with warnings.

Here’s the first:

BANNED VIDEO Shows How Schools Are Instructing Children Age 4-9 To Masturbate

You ok with that?

And second:

GRAPHIC: California Teacher Caught On Camera Teaching Students How To Enjoy Anal Sex

You want that in your schools?

Then this one really caught my eye:

Secret Service And Mossad Agents Die In Mysterious Accident

Makes me think of Jeffrey Epstein.

I love this idea from our President:

Donald Trump Proposes ‘Great American State Fair’ (WATCH)

How inspiring and uplifting!

Exactly what we need right now!

And since it’s June, I thought I’d join Pride Month!

Here’s my contribution:

Exposing The TRUTH About God’s Rainbow!

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight.

See ya back here tomorrow!

Your friend,



We are growing like crazy over on Twitter…


Because Free Speech is . k again and it’s so much fun now!

We just crossed over 22,000 followers!  So excited to be connected to all of you!

Growing faster than I can keep up!

So will you give us a Follow here so we can connect? 👇



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