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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/14/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with your Tuesday evening Newsletter…
Great stuff tonight, and we start here:
Save that post.
Print it out.
Because I have a feeling we’ll be referring back to it a LOT in the coming months…
Bill Barr, you’ve now been outted and you’re on record.
Good luck sir…
Next up, what’s going on here?
January 6th Committee CANCELS Hearing for Wednesday, June 15
And I can’t even believe I’m reporting on this next one:
Two Judges On New York Supreme Court Rule Elephants Have Constitutional Rights
Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves at this stupidity:
Two Judges On New York Supreme Court Rule Elephants Have Constitutional Rights
Doesn’t the Declaration of Independence begin with “All men are being created equal”?
I must have missed the part about the references to Elephants, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere…
And they continue to push this story, but NO ONE and I do mean NOOOOO one is buying it:
Their FF’s are getting really sloppy and desperate…
Next we have our top story of the day:
Very scary.
If you’re a dog lover, you need to see this from Mike Lindell:
MyPillow’s FAMILY PET Flash Sale | The “Best Dog Bed I Ever Purchased”!
And Hannity is totally washed up:
Sean, give it up man, you’re either compromised or you’ve lost it.
You’re done, bud!
Rush > O’Reilly > Tucker > Levin > NOAH > Hannity
Wait, how did Noah sneak onto that list?
Who did that?
And then we have the #FreedomPhone #PHONY….
Get it, Phone-y?
Man, this guy has lost nearly ALL credibility:
EXPOSED: Founder of Freedom Phone Donated To Biden’s Campaign In 2020
Enjoy this amazing message from Bo Polny:
BO POLNY: Another Inauguration, Worldwide Celebrations Revealed | When?
And in case you missed it, an update on Dr. Zelenko…
Sadly, it’s not good at all:
And we end with yet ANOTHER one…
Yes, really:
Oh, just a coincidence, I’m sure…
Your thoughts?
Your friend,
Something brand new for you tonight…
How awesome is this? #UltraMAGA baby!
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