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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/2/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.

One of these days I’m going to get some rest, but today was not that day!

We start off tonight with an absolutely wild top story:

LEAKED: Trump Prison Sentence on Rikers Island Leaked by Bragg’s Office to The View!

Of course that’s where they plan to send him.

And is there any doubt he will be killed while there?

These are some sick people!

On a related note, I think this is very true:

President Trump Predicts the “Breaking Point” for Americans

And I also published this warning today:

WARNING: Do Not Get Seduced Into Any Form of Physical Rage or Violence!

I found this next one hilarious:

Biden Administration Makes Ridiculous Claim That It Can’t Release Audio Recordings Because Of Fear Of “DeepFakes”

Of all the reasons, that might be the worst excuse I’ve ever heard!

We learned this today:

Trump’s Conviction Makes Him Lose 2nd Amendment Rights

I don’t even know how this next one is legal….

How can they do this?

Alex Jones Says Feds Plan To Shut Down Info Wars In Next 48 Hours, Cries During Emotional Announcement 

Is Biden just giving up on even pretending to follow the law and the Constitution?

Meanwhile, here’s your real President:

‘You’re The Man, Bro’: Trump Gets Massive Applause From UFC Crowd And Praise From Winning Fighters

And a tremendous message from Derek Johnson:

Derek Johnson: It HAD TO Be This Way!

Then we go to Fauci….

Yes, we all knew this before, of course we did.

But today it was confirmed in newly released testimony of Fauci himself:

BREAKING: Fauci LIED — “Made Up” Social Distancing and Masking, Passed It Off As “The Science”


What a perverse, small little man!

Next we have perhaps the strangest article I will bring you all year…..

Is this even possible?

Wait….Is It Possible The Challenger Space Shuttle Astronauts Are Still Alive?

Love to know what you think after you read this one.

And then we go to my new favorite politician, because you knew she was gonna have a hay-day with June:

Valentina Gomez Just Destroyed “Pride Month” In The Best Way Possible

We end tonight with our top story….

Big news dropped from Bo Polny on my show:

Bo Polny: “The Greatest Trap In History!”

Hope you really enjoy that one!

Your friend,



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