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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/20/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday night Newsletter.

We start tonight with Joyless Behar and the nauseating ladies from The View:

View Host Joy Behar Claims Christians Who Vote For Trump Are Not Actually Christians

It was a decent show when Babs Walters ran it, now it’s just pure trash.

But here’s a GREAT show:

IMPAULSIVE: The Best Trump Interview Ever?

Old media vs. New media and new media is winning BIG LEAGUE!

Next up is another “New Media” podcast, the PBD Podcast, and I think they are WLTReport readers because they keep covering stories I write a few days after I post them.

Here’s the latest:

MAJOR PODCAST: “Does Joe Biden Have a Body Double?”

Love what you all are doing Pat, keep up the great work!

This was big today:

DEVELOPING: FBI Raids Home Of Democrat Mayor

And so was this:

JUST IN: Brand New Trump Ad Is A Must-See!

Then we have yet another Legacy Media “news piece” promoting the Alien narrative.

Sure does seem like they’re trying to push a narrative these days, doesn’t it?

NBC NEWS: New Study Finds Potential Alien Mega-Structures Known As ‘Dyson Spheres’

And a big heads up on this next one….

Very important to make sure you’re compliant, I don’t need anyone here getting tagged because the laws changed and you didn’t know.

Read this:

Gun Laws Have Changed – Do You Have The Updated Reciprocity Map?

This next one is very scary:

Elon Musk Reveals Two People Attempted To Assassinate Him Within The Last Seven Months

So is this:

Trump Impeachment Figure Wins Primary in Virginia

This next one is horrible:

WATCH: Driver PLOWS Through Cyclists, Caught on Camera

Big warning here from a man who would know!

Ex-CDC Director: “We Will Have a Bird Flu Pandemic… Just a Matter of Time”

Next up, how strange is this?

I would love to know what motivated this….or is it just hatred and stupidity?

CAUGHT ON CAM: Vermont Lawmaker Secretly Poured Water into Colleague’s Bag for Months

This next one is the wildest thing you’ll see all day….

She called him “Big Bastard” and instead of moving she just tried to put metal bars on her windows.

It didn’t work.

He still broke in and ate her.


Woman Installs Metal Bars On Windows To Protect Against Black Bear — It Still Breaks In And Eats Her

I always say Florida is a terrifying place with the gators, but I think I could outrun a gator if I had to.

A bear?

You don’t stand a chance.

So perhaps the northern states with all the black bears and grizzlies are the more terrifying place than Florida?


And we end with my top story….

With all the talk about Aliens these days, I had to give you my take.

Do I think there are “Aliens”?


Do I think there is something else?


Because the Bible tells me so:

EXCLUSIVE: My Take On The “Coming Great Deception”

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight!

Your friend,



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