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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/21/22




Hey friends,

Noah here and today is officially the LONGEST day of the year!  The most sunlight!

I hope you took advantage and enjoyed it.

It was over 100 degrees here and I was still outside loving every minute of it.

But we also worked very hard and we have some big stories you may have missed, starting with this…

Bad news for the Cos:

Look, Bill….you played a gynecologist on The Cosby Show, but I think you’ve taken it a bit too far with the method acting.

You do not need to inspect every vagina you run into!

Ok, enough of this grimness, let’s move on….

Texas may very well secede from the Union, and that is not an empty threat.

Details here:

Next up, what do we have here?

Very sad, no matter what it is, but you have to ask if it’s vaxx related:

I don’t remember any other point in my lifetime where athletes in the prime of their careers were dropping dead with such frequency.

So sad.

Your thoughts?

And how do you like this?

Heads up on the coming Food Shortages, and this is directly from a trucker who’s seeing both the empty shipping ports and the problems with diesel fuel:

PLEASE…make sure you and your family are prepared.

I can’t say that enough.

And now I have to respond to the HUNDREDS of emails I got last night saying you couldn’t read our Newsletter or articles.

Here’s why:

It wasn’t just us, basically the whole internet was down.

Is this a test-run for when they really shut it down and go dark for several days?

It’s coming….

And we end with our top story.

Last night we brought you a story about how Baron Trump is almost 7 feet tall…

Tonight we bring you much more you may never have heard of but will blow your mind….and even the far-left Snopes is saying it’s “true”.

Read here:

Ok, that’s a wrap.

Love to hear your thoughts!

Drop a comment below or shoot me a reply to the email.

Your friend,



We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.

Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.

I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇

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