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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/27/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with a very special, early, pre-debate Thursday Newsletter!

I have about two times the normal amount of news today and I am loaded up on very urgent updates about tonight’s Debate that you need to read BEFORE the debate starts.

So….I’m sending you this early Newsletter now about 4 hours before the Debate starts and my goal is to send you another one later tonight with updates after the debate is over.

Huge day.

And I think you’ll see why I’m sending this so urgently right now when you see our first story:

URGENT WARNING: President Trump’s Life In Danger At Tonight’s “Rigged” Debate?

And if you think that is just me being dramatic, then I guess you haven’t read this next one yet either.

Because the entire White House Press Corps (a notably Far-Left group) actually agrees with me.

Very scary.

Read this:

BREAKING: White House Press Corps Petitioning CNN For Access To Debate Studio Due To “Medical Emergency”!

Then we learned today how CNN is going to MUTE President Trump….

Details here:

WATCH: CNN Demonstrates How It Will MUTE President Trump

And how they are adding a 2 minute delay from the live feed (normal delay is 7 seconds).


Well, read this:

NEW: CNN Will Delay Live Debate 1-2 Minutes, Possibly Allowing Network To Edit Biden’s Blunders

In fact, things are so bad that CNN got sued in Federal Court this morning:

BREAKING: Lawsuit Filed Against CNN On Eve Of The Debate

Next up, you know that speculation has been running wild about which of the candidates for President Trump’s VP will be in attendance tonight because President Trump said his VP choice will be in attendance.

I’ve been very clear my top choice is Vivek, but I was sad to see this:

BREAKING: Vivek Says It’s Not Him

Quickly, since all of this is very heavy, please take a moment to enjoy a really good laugh from our Top Story of the Week:

HILARIOUS: Watch What Happens When Man Tries To Assault a Trump Supporter

And we end with our top trending story right now….

Will this happen?

I don’t know, but a prediction:

PREDICTION: President Trump Will Walk Off The Stage At Tonight’s Debate

I’ll see you all back here later tonight with more updates!

Oh, and one quick update before I go….earlier this week I announced my new project, JudoNoah!

It’s already up and running and we have almost 1,000 people already in the new Facebook Page.

The articles will start running soon, we’re just putting the final touches on that.  It takes a lot to build that out, but my team is working overtime to get it ready.

Hope to see the first of those go live over the weekend!

In the meantime, make sure you Like/Follow the new Facebook Page here:

And while you’re there, please Like + Share a few posts, it really helps us defeat their algorithm from Day 1!

Thank you!

Your friend,



A quick THANK YOU to everyone who supports this Newsletter.  For nearly 10- years now, I’ve been providing this Newsletter as a FREE service to support Trump and get the real news out….  

…and that will never change!

I will always continue to send this Newsletter for free, but you’d be surprised how much it costs to run all the web hosting, email plans for 5 million monthly readers, etc.  We recently increased our server by 4x size to accommodate all new readers!

Since many have asked how they can support the effort, I finally created two simple options where you can donate.  Even $1/month is a huge help and I’m very grateful for all of you.

Tap here only if you want (PayPal)….

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