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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/29/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Thursday Night edition of the Newsletter!

How are you?

Everybody good?

Awesome day over here, and BUSY day.

We start with strange encounters of the third kind:

Whistleblower Attorney “It Was The Size Of A Football Stadium, While The Outside Was Only About 30 Feet”

I’ve told you my take on all of this before…

I think it’s 100% real, but NOT aliens and NOT what they are telling you it is.

Maybe I’ll break that all down in a longer post tomorrow, would you like to see that?

It’s very important you know what they actually are so you are not deceived when the announcement comes.

And then we go to Creepy Bill Gates…

This is a new low, even for him:

REPORT: Bill Gates Screened Women For STDs Before He Would Hire Them!

And by the way, that is the Wall St. Journal confirming that story!

Next we go to something I’ve been telling you about for two months now….

First here:

Jordan Peterson: Here’s Why Banks Are Buying Up All of the Gold

And mega confirmation here:

WATCH WHAT THEY DO: Even BlackRock Is Now Advising Its Clients Invest In Gold!

Then we have two massive Supreme Court rulings that come out today…


Supreme Court Makes HUGE Ruling On Christian Liberty Case

And then this one:

Supreme Court Rules on Affirmative Action

I posted this right after the ruling:

And this:

Then we have this beauty:

BREAKING: FDA Clears Lab-Grown Meat For Human Consumption!

You eating that?

Not me!

And spoiler alert: Bill Gates ain’t eating it either!

No way.

I am hearing that it may give you cancer….

Would that surprise you?

Messing with God’s food supply?

Bad idea.

Then we had THIS happen today:

DEVELOPING: Flagship NYC Store Near Trump Tower Catches Fire

Told you, wild day!

Next I want to ask you a question….

I’m not telling you my vote because honestly I don’t know, but I want to hear YOUR opinion on this:

Would You Support a Trump / RFK Jr. Ticket?

We end tonight with our top story…

Our Boycotts are working BIG LEAGUE!

Actually, it’s more like “BuyCotts”.

I explain here:

Where Do You Shop If You Leave Target? HERE! [Details Inside]

That’s a wrap for tonight!

I’ll see you all back here tomorrow….already working on a couple big ones!

Your friend,



I came across a shirt I totally loved today…

They’ve only made a limited run, but if you want one they still have some in stock.


Check availability here:



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