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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/3/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday night Newsletter.

We start tonight with some GOOD news for President Trump in Court:

President Trump Gets Great News In Fani Willis Case!

More good news here:

Triple Digit Millions! Trump Donations Skyrockets

But then we have this….

Very troubling:

Democrats Working On New Bill That Could Literally Get President Trump KILLED

I don’t know how or why, but no one is talking about this next one and it’s huge:

BOMBSHELL: Sens. Grassley, Johnson Uncover Obama-Biden State Department’s OBSTRUCTION of FBI Law Enforcement Efforts!

Then we go to “Mad Max”.

Come on Maxine, class it up a bit:

Maxine Waters Floats Crazy New Conspiracy Theory About Trump

Is the next bank failure upon us?

Here’s what just broke this afternoon:

Is The “YouTube Bank” About To Be Our Next Bank Failure?

Really hate seeing this….

I remember watching him play!

NFL Hall Of Famer Larry Allen “Dies Suddenly” At 52

How ’bout them Cowboys!

And if Texas isn’t the best state in the Union, then Florida is….but it’s also a terrifying place to live:

Florida Man Wrestles 8 Foot Alligator On Public Street With Bare Hands!

Never would have expected this to happen:

Mexico Elects Its First Ever Woman President

And I love seeing this but I just hope they actually stand strong and follow through:

Here Are the 8 GOP Senators Staging a BOYCOTT To Hold Democrats Accountable in Congress

Next up is “Bidan”….

Do you think this is really Joe or is this an actor in a mask?

“The Face of Corruption”: Trump Campaign Strikes Back at Biden’s “Creepy” Smile

We end with our top story…..

Love to hear what you think of this:

ARE WE WATCHING A MOVIE? How Did The Camera Get Each Reaction So Perfectly?

That’s a wrap!

Your friend,



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