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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/4/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday night Newsletter.

Can you feel the tide starting to turn?

I can.

Slowly but surely, I am noticing the tide of public opinion turning sharply against the Far Left and in favor of Trump/MAGA/Common Sense.

Here’s the latest:

Dr Phil’s Upcoming Special: ‘End Political Persecution of Trump!’

And also here:

Here’s The 10 NFL Teams That DID NOT Bend the Knee for Pride Month

That has never happened before!

First a few, then many!

Next up, I received so much positive feedback on the Derek Johnson video I brought you last night, but some of you said it was too long.

So I’ve got you covered today.

Here is a 10 minute Clif’s Notes summary version:

Derek Johnson: Shorter Version — “It Had To Be This Way”

Then we go to Elon Musk and Twitter/X which is now going to allow porno on the site.

Take a look:

X Formally Allows Pornographic Content?

I have a few thoughts….

First of all, I thought it already was!

I can’t tell you how many times I’m researching a story and something nasty pops up in my feed.

So this is a new?

But secondly, come on Elon, you’re better than this!  Or at least you should be!

You don’t need to do this, although it’s clear when Elon says he wants to make the “Everything App” he isn’t leaving anything out.

Bad move if you ask me.

After Anthony Fauci testified before Congress yesterday, Dr. Peter McCullough had the best response I have seen:

Dr. Peter McCullough: “He’s a guilty man, and he’s responsible for a massive loss of life in the world”

Spot on!

Next up is a big sale over at MyPillow:

Twenty-Four Deals Now At The WLT Discounts Page At MyPillow – Including the $25 Extravaganza!

And an update on Lab Grown Beef:

SPECIAL REPORT: FDA Clears Lab-Grown Meat For Human Consumption!

Will you be eating it?

We end tonight with Sandy Hook.

Quite a mystery, isn’t it?

First we have an update on Alex Jones:

Major Update: Judge Makes Ruling On The Future Of Alex Jones’ Info Wars

Then we have all of the things that just don’t quite make sense:

The Sandy Hook Mystery – They’re Demanding Their 1.5 BILLION

And finally we wrap with…..Joel Osteen?

I’ll explain it all, just read here:

What Does Joel Osteen Have To Do With Sandy Hook?

That’s a wrap for tonight.

Your friend,



The censorship is increasing and I expect will only get worse as time goes on.

I’ve seen it all, including people getting randomly Unsubscribed from my Nightly Newsletter email list.

Sadly, it happens a lot.

They email me asking where I went only to find out they were Unsubscribed against their will…

You can always email me and I can manually add you back in, but I also want to make sure you have these two links as backup.  

Save these and bookmark them in your web browser.

First is the homepage:

All of my Nightly Newsletters are saved here, with the newest ones on top.  

It’s a great website to bookmark so you never lose it.

The second is this one:

That’s where my actual emails are all saved.  

So you can bookmark one or both of those and then you’ll never lose track of my emails and my Nightly Newsletter even if Big Tech tries to Unsubscribe your or hide our emails in places like your Spam or Promotions folders.  




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