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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/5/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and I hope you are great!

So I’m always excited to bring you this nightly Newsletter but some days just have a little something “extra”.

And today is one of those days.

So many wild and exciting stories, I can’t wait to show you everything…

We start with this:

Queen Elizabeth Replaced With A Hologram

Many people think she’s already dead.

I don’t know if that’s true or not.

But I do know that it’s weird and hilarious to watch all the people WAVING to a hologram as if it cares!

People have lost their minds!

Also, public service announcement: STOP worshipping these “royals” as if they are special.  Seriously.

Ok, moving on….

What in the world is this?

Mysterious Needle Attacks Are Happening All Over Europe

Wait, I know:  BAN NEEDLES!


And then we have this:

Woke Disney Employee Breaks Up Marriage Proposal

Disney needed ONE good PR moment…just one!

And they couldn’t even accomplish this!

Man, can you believe the body language and the arrogance on this Disney employee?

Maybe he’s just doing his job but he looks like a massive P-R-I-C-K to me!

Am I wrong?

And then we go to something truly disturbing…

As I write in this article, I’m not poking fun at this or joking around.  This is serious.  It’s a cry for help.  So there’s nothing good in this at all and I’m not enjoying any aspect of it.  But it is newsworthy:

INSANE? Amber Heard Fans Ready To “Unalive” Themselves In Alarming #CutForAmber Campaign

Speaking of losers, let’s move on to LeBron James….

Sorry if anyone out there likes LeBum, but he’s not fit to clean Michael or Kobe’s jock!

And of course this happened — which again is no laughing matter:

Teen Gets Beat To Death At Lebron James’ I Promise School

Awesome stuff always seemed to follow Michael Jordan…

This kind of crap always seems to follow LeBum.

Just saying…

Now let’s take a moment to honor Sunday with a great Gospel message from our good friend Pastor Robb:

Sunday’s Gospel Message: The Art of Worshiping the LORD

And we end with our top story….


IT BEGINS: Associated Press Reports Arizonan MAYOR Arrested As Part of 2020 “Sophisticated” Ballot Harvesting Scheme

MSM is silent….

Good thing you have us!

Your friend,



Something brand new for you tonight…

How awesome is this?  #UltraMAGA baby!

And I can get you 50% off for a limited time.

Who loves ya baby?

Check availability and sizes here:



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