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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 6/8/22



Hey friends,

Noah here with your Wednesday night Newsletter!

Who’s excited?

Let’s do this.

We start with a plane crash today that is already looking VERY fishy:

BREAKING: Military Aircraft Carrying Nuclear Material Crashes in California

It’s a sad world we live in when the headline is often not the real story…it always feels like something more is going on behind the scenes.

So sad the way they orchestrate world events, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process!

Next we move to an AWESOME update from our good friend Julie Green:

Julie Green Update: A Time of Great Acceleration!

And today we literally had an assassination attempt on a sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice…

By who?

The far left, of course.

Details here:

BREAKING: Man With Gun Reportedly Threatened To Kill Justice Kavanaugh’s Outside Of Home

Who wants to bet this guy ends up getting LESS time in prison than the illegally and unconstitutionally-detained J6 prisoners?

I’d say that’s a given.

They’ll probably create a shrine for this guy.

So sick.

But the tide is turning….check this out:

Former U.S. Congressman Pleads GUILTY To Voter Fraud

Wonderful news to report next from last night…even in the far-left utopia of San Francisco, people have had enough:

JUST IN: San Francisco Removes Progressive DA Chesa Boudin in Recall Election

When the far left loses San Francisco, that’s a giant flashing warning sign they will not make it anywhere!

This is really interesting:

Has Brazil Prevented a Global Food Crisis Catastrophe?

And you have to love MTG:

Rep. Taylor Marjorie Greene Just Released RINO Lindsey Graham’s Number

Don’t miss this one…hidden in plain sight!

The Satanic Georgia Guidestones EXPOSED!

And we end with our top story…

Things might get rough for a while, but big picture this is good news!

BREAKING! National Guard Preparing For Deployment!

Ok, that’s a wrap.

Your friend,



Something brand new for you tonight…

How awesome is this?  #UltraMAGA baby!

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Who loves ya baby?

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