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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/11/23




Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Tuesday Night Newsletter.

Hope you are doing great!

Got a couple housekeeping items before we get started tonight.

I’m starting to go live most days on YouTube and Rumble and we’re having a blast with it!

I’m going to have it setup soon where you can call in too and it will get really fun.

But I have a special request: can you make sure we’re connected?

Please Subscribe on YouTube here.

And please Follow on Rumble here.


That will make sure we’re connected and you see it when I go live.

Oh and speaking of my show, Bo Polny returns on Friday…going to be a big one, I can’t wait!

Ok enough with housekeeping on with the news.

Starting here:

Clean sweep baby!

Then we have this from Vermont:

And our top story of the day is next involving Justin Bieber:

That’s a good kid right there, so sad what happened to him.

Next up is something truly heartbreaking…

That’s child abuse if you ask me.

Should be illegal.

What did Jesus say about crap like this?

It’s Matthew 18:6:

But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

Sorry folks, that’s not just my opinion, if you’ve got a problem with that you can take it up with Jesus himself.

Makes me furious.

Moving on….is this Jamie Foxx?

Is he finally back?

Ehhhh you decide:

And while you weren’t paying attention, this happened:

Do you know about Operation Sandman?

If not, you will soon.

And we end with our top story:

Ok, that’s a wrap for tonight!

See you tomorrow.

Your friend,



I came across a shirt I totally loved today…

They’ve only made a limited run, but if you want one they still have some in stock.


Check availability here:

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