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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/16/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here and we had a really full Sunday!

Hope your day was great as well.

So much to show you…

Starting with DeSadness (a term one of you coined today).

Vivek Beats DeSantis!

Sorry Ron, we’d love to see you stay in Florida and do well.

Serve out the term you were elected for.

Keep your Beta Male, nasally voice in Florida and do well for that state.

But we don’t need you on the National Stage.

Trump took 85% today in the Straw Poll.

Vivek came in with 56% of “second place”.

And DeSanctus came in 3rd.

Ron, you’re done.

Go home Meatball.

Serve your state.

Oh, and sorry to break this to you but after Trump 2024-2028, then comes Kari Lake 2028-2036.

Keep your head down and do well in Florida and we can talk in 2036, ok?

But I will say one good think about Ron….he’s better than Mike:

Will Mike Pence Fail to Qualify for GOP Primary Debates?

Anyway, all of that is not just my opinion….

Trump said the same thing today:

President Trump to DeSantis: Go Home and Be Governor

Next we cover a great interview with Maria Bartiromo and Trump:

Maria Bartiromo: “You Didn’t Drain The Swamp Like You Said You Would”

Make sure you read the full article.

Next up, I had no idea MyPillow had been around for 20 years, did you?

20th Anniversary “Limited Edition” MyPillow Plus 50% Off MyPillow Mattresses (Foam And Encased Coil Quilted Mattresses)

Thank you Mike!

And since it’s Sunday, we always do our Gospel message:

GOSPEL MESSAGE: Cast Down But Not Forsaken!

In case you missed it, we have highlights and the full speech from President Trump at Turning Point:

President Trump LIVE At Turning Point! FULL SPEECH

Is it just me or is he looking younger and thinner?

The man is ready to rock and roll!

Clean house!

Kick out the Deep State!

And speaking of kicking ass, I thought this was hilarious:

Chris Christie: “I’ll Kick Trump’s Ass!”

Chris Christie can’t even reach around far enough to wipe his own ass, and he thinks he’s gonna kick Trump’s?


Chris, go home, you’re fat.

Then we have this:

Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Ate Psychedelic Mushrooms In China

Is that why her eyes look like that?

Is that what you want from the person in charge of your money?

Total clown show.

She doesn’t know jack crap about money.

Then we have this:


I’ll just let you read to understand what that means.

And our top story of the day:

Disney Heiress ARRESTED In New York

Can I just say one thing?

Why is she giving me Melinda Gates vibes?


And we end with our top story….

Bo Polny back on my show!


Bo Polny Explains The SUPER SHMITA — The Shaking Of ALL Nations!

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



I came across a shirt I totally loved today…

They’ve only made a limited run, but if you want one they still have some in stock.


Check availability here:



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