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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/17/22

Hey friends,
Noah here and happy Sunday to you!
Hope your day was fantastic.
We had a very busy day here and I am excited to bring you up to speed on what you may have missed.
Starting with this from Robin Bullock since it’s Sunday after all:
Over two years ago, don’t miss that point!
That is why we share these messages!
And now that we’ve shared a Prophecy Fulfilled, I give you a new one from Timothy Dixon on what is still to come…
Hang in there Patriots, a second Exodus IS coming:
And sticking with a Sunday theme, I have a WONDERFUL message with a Catholic Priest or Friar or Father or I’m not really sure what they call themselves, but this guy DOES know what he’s talking about when it comes to Freemasonry.
Watch here:
I know that simply by posting that, I’ll get about 20 emails tomorrow saying “my father was a Mason and he was a good man” or “my mother was in the Eastern Star and she was the nicest woman to ever walk the face of the Earth”….and that’s ok.
Most of the people in these organizations have no idea about them.
But we still have to publish the truth because they are NOT good things. Not at all.
Ok, now for your feel-good story of the day.
HIGHLIGHT: U.S. Marines Sing “Days of Elijah” at Camp Pendleton
And isn’t this very interesting?
Los Angeles Hospital Officials MOCK Media & Government COVID Fearmongering (WATCH)
Speaking of doctors and planned-demics, make sure your immune system is in top gear.
This may help:
EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Is C60 Your “Secret Weapon” To Staying Healthy?
And why does this keep happening?
Foul play at work here?
And we end with our top story.
I think things are about to get VERY interesting:
That’s a wrap for tonight.
See you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
This blue “Trump Won” hat was our most popular hat we’ve ever posted.
For obvious reasons.
But they sold out quick and we couldn’t get any more in until now.
And now we FINALLY have a new small batch coming in.
The Newsletter gets first dibs on these and I can’t promise they will last long.
I also can’t promise they will ever come back in stock once they’re gone.
Oh….did I mention they are FREE?
Check availability here…👇
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