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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/16/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with a loaded up Saturday night Newsletter!
We never rest, not even on the weekends.
Because sometimes the best stories drop over the weekend and it’s our job to bring them to you.
Starting with this:
Absolutely fascinating!
Have you heard about that before?
I hadn’t before I started looking into it.
And it involved Sidney Powell and remember how confident she looked in that recent video?
You have to ask yourself since Trump didn’t sign this EO, did he have a backup plan and is that currently in place?
I think it’s highly likely!
Then we move to this:
Remember how they tried (and failed) to impeach Trump over a perfect call with that crook Zelenksy?
Where is the Crooked “Mainstream Media” on this story?
We’ve got Biden literally threatening (allegedly!) to assassinate a guy if he even talks to Trump, and the MSM is silent.
Absolute corruption.
Good thing you have us!
Help us get the word out!
Then we have my good friend Bo Polny who came back on my show this morning and it did NOT disappoint.
Watch here:
Bo Polny: Do Not Be Deceived, God Is Not Mocked! (Major Update)
1 of 3 dominos has fallen and the second and third are coming soon!
All the details in the link above.
Be ready!
I loved this from Joe Rogan:
(WATCH) Joe Rogan Sends Fauci an Invite to Join His Podcast: “Come on in Little Fella!”
That little twerp won’t go anywhere near him because he’s a coward and he knows he’d get eaten alive.
I found this next one really interesting:
Sen. Rand Paul Stops Nomination of Pro-Life Federal Judge, Here’s Why
Your thoughts on this?
We go next to perhaps the most bizarre story I’ve ever covered:
Note: selling “timeshares”, not selling “his” timeshare.
Also, don’t miss the “he’s a cannibal” part.
Cause that’s normal, right?
Folks, these so-called “elites” and “Hollyweird” are into some SICK stuff, and here’s the big newsflash for you: this headline is NOT the only case. Yes, you read that right. These people are into really dark and sick stuff and yes it often goes as deep and as sick as this.
Think you’ve had a lot of red pills already?
So much more is coming.
And then we have this:
Ok, first of all, why does he look like a cross between a 13 year old and a 45 year old?
And of course the bigger issue….did he shoot his wife and kid at point blank range with a shotgun? Multiple times?
Folks, I give you a Biden supporter!
And then we go to this:
Vaccines you say?
Here’s my take…
The public did not want their “COVID vaccines” so they went back to the drawing board to ask what the public would line up to take.
A cancer vaccine.
If and when it comes out, all I can tell you is be VERY skeptical.
And we end with our top story…
What did I just tell you about Hollyweird?
Told you it was a big day!
Your friend,
This blue “Trump Won” hat was our most popular hat we’ve ever posted.
For obvious reasons.
But they sold out quick and we couldn’t get any more in until now.
And now we FINALLY have a new small batch coming in.
The Newsletter gets first dibs on these and I can’t promise they will last long.
I also can’t promise they will ever come back in stock once they’re gone.
Oh….did I mention they are FREE?
Check availability here…👇
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