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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/24/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with your Monday Night Newsletter!

I have to move through this fast tonight because I have a lot to show you.

First up, I thought this was VERY interesting:

“A Coup Of Our Military ALREADY HAS Taken Place”

She does great work.

Twitter is officially GONE today and is here!

New logo plus what happens next:

Elon Musk’s ‘X’: ‘Everything App’? ‘Half the Global Financial System?’ ‘Powered by AI?’

And anyone buying the official story of this next one?


JUST IN: Emergency Crews Dispatched to Barack Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard Estate Sunday Night


Anthony Weiner MELTS DOWN When Confronted About The Clinton Kill List!

Next up, don’t shoot the messenger but I had to address this today:

What You Need To Know Right Now About NESARA and GESARA

Found this very fascinating:

Vivek Explains Why He Doesn’t Attack Trump

There’s a lot to like about Vivek….

He’s not going to win, but he could be great in a Trump Cabinet.

Next up, I hope he is ok and I HATE reporting on this crap, but sorry folks this is NOT normal:

ESPN Broadcaster Has FREAKY Collapse Live On The Air

Love this one:

Jason Aldean Is Racist? Tell That To These Guys…

And love what Dr. McCullough is doing:

Dr. McCullough: States Form Task Forces To Address mRNA Vaccines In The Food Supply

Then we had this:

Benjamin Netanyahu to Have Pacemaker Installed

Think that’s related to him eating 3D Printed Steaks?

Can’t be good, right?

And we end with our top story…

You’re gonna love this one, Pepe is one cool dude.

And if any small (or medium or large) business owners are reading this (and I know we have a TON of you) then this is especially for you!

As always, who loves ya baby?


I’ve got you covered.

Make sure you read this:

My Exclusive Interview With Pepe Deluxe!

Ok, that’s a wrap!

See ya back here tomorrow.

And make sure you are following me on Rumble!

Rumble Channel here:

Your friend,



I came across a shirt I totally loved today…

They’ve only made a limited run, but if you want one they still have some in stock.


Check availability here:


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