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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/25/22



Hey everyone,

Noah here, how are you?

Absolutely loaded up tonight on this Monday evening and excited to show you what you may have missed today.

We start with the truly bizarre:

Bizarre: Man Who Turned Himself Into Black Alien Wants To Amputate His Leg

No doubt he voted for Biden.

That’s what we call a “NTN” for mental disorder (No Test Needed).

So sad to see what people will do to God’s creation, even when that creation is themselves!

Next we move to two patriots, starting with Madison Cawthorne:

Madison Cawthorn Is In Hot Water

He has been unfairly targeted because he supports Trump.


And another great patriot who also refuses to back down, Matt Gaetz.

This guy was absolutely on fire today, first with this:

Matt Gaetz: “All The Women At Pro-Abortion Rallies Are Fat and Ugly!”

And then with this:

Watch Matt Gaetz Fire Up Crowd By Saying “Mike Pence Will NEVER Be President”

Read my comments on the first story so you know my take on it.

And then I need your vote (link in the story) to see what you think!

Next up is a really big and emotional update from our good friend Julie Green:

Julie Green: One Of The Most Powerful Messages I’ve Ever Been Given!

And perhaps my favorite story of the day:

Trump Plans To Fire Over 50,000 SWAMP Creatures Using SCHEDULE F

That should be reason alone to vote for him!

The first time around he was cautious and learning his way.

His second time in office he is going to be like an unchained and angry bull in a china shop — and it’s going to be GLORY-OUS!

Another major network provided cut OANN today, but I have the solution for you:

Verizon Drops OANN — But We Have The Solution!

And we end with two updates on stories from last night.

The first is from Elon Musk saying the WSJ’s story is a total lie (“BS” as he calls it) and a politically motivated hit piece.

Read here:

Elon Musk Predicts Political Attacks, Calls WSJ “Total BS”

I believe it, they did the same to Trump!

And Elon predicted this back in May too!

And last we have an update to our top story from yesterday — confirmed true today and with a bogus excuse for what’s going on:

UPDATE! NewsChannel3 Responds After Posting Results to Primary Election (One Week Early)

Wow….you buying that?

Me either.

Ok that’s a wrap for tonight.

Your friend,



This blue “Trump Won” hat was our most popular hat we’ve ever posted.

For obvious reasons.

But they sold out quick and we couldn’t get any more in until now.

And now we FINALLY have a new small batch coming in.  

The Newsletter gets first dibs on these and I can’t promise they will last long.

I also can’t promise they will ever come back in stock once they’re gone.

Oh….did I mention they are FREE?

Check availability here…👇



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