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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/31/22



Hey everybody!

Noah here and I’m bringing you the Sunday Night Newsletter early because I am so excited for you to see this and get your feedback on some of these…

We start with a great one that I think you’re gonna love:

John Rich Anti-Woke Song Hits #1, Watch LIVE

The stats and the charts don’t lie.

America is NOT woke.

America is NOT progressive.

We love solid Christian, conservative values, simple as that and this proves it.

Plus it’s a really good song!

Speaking of Christian values, it’s Sunday and that means we bring you a Gospel message as is our tradition:

Beware The Doctrine’s of Demons!

Next up we have perhaps my favorite story of the whole week.

There is so much here that it’s going to blow your mind.

I won’t retype it all here because it would take up the whole Newsletter, but just trust me you need to read this.

Every word.

I have already updated the article twice because I keep finding more incredible things!

This might be the biggest prophetic sign we’ve seen in the last 10 years…

Read here:

“Heavenly Trump” Wins Thanks To An “Act of God”! (UPDATED)

This is very bizarre and I have to assume there is more to this story than we know so far:

Bizarre: Co-pilot Jumps Out of Plane Without Parachute

So sad to see this from Fox News but they’ve gone downhill…

Very badly.

Circling the drain of the toilet:

Did Fox News Ban President Trump?

Heads up from Mike Lindell and MyPillow, got a special alert for you:

Just In Time For Summer: MyPillow’s New Sandals Are Like Pillows For Your Feet!

Very disappointed to have to report on this next one…

OANN has now been banned from DirectTV and now Verizon.

Don’t worry, we have the solution (and it will save you about $100+ per month, how’s that sound?)…

Details here:

Verizon Joins DirecTV In Banning OANN | We Have The Solution!

We end with two powerful prophetic updates.

The first from Timothy Dixon:

Timothy Dixon: Safford, Arizona

And our top story, from Julie Green:

Julie Green: The Big Lie WILL BE Overturned!

Before you go, I still need your vote in our newest Reader Poll

Curious to see how this turns out.

Please add your opinion here:

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Think Donald Trump Will Run For President In 2024?


See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.

Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.

I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇


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