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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/5/22



Hey friends,

Noah here and doesn’t it feel like Monday?

Gotta love it already being Tuesday…hope your day was great!

Got a lot to show you today, but before we hit the news I’m hoping you can help me prove a point with this new Reader Survey:

Thank you!

Ok, now on with the news….

Big news today was details emerging about the 4th of July shooter.

They tried to claim he was a Trump Supporter but they can’t even come up with good lies anymore.

Does this LOOK like a Trump supporter to you?


Not like any Trump supporter (or normal human) I’ve ever seen!

Let’s start here:

Why Did The July 4th Parade Gunman Have A Newspaper of Lee Harvey Oswald?

Oh, and then this:

Highland Park Police Say They Had Two Prior Encounters with Suspected Shooter Bobby Crimo – Confiscated 16 Knives, a Dagger & Sword

And this:

Highland Park Shooting Suspect Bobby Crimo Was “Known to Law Enforcement” Before Mass Shooting

I’m not saying he’s fake and staged, but “Crimo”?


“Crime-o” is the best they could come up with for a name?

As I said, they don’t even lie good anymore.

Ok, moving on….




Oh my (and yes, you should read that in a super gay George Takei voice):

Top New Biden Staffer Defended Underage, Gay Prostitution Website Raided by Feds

Next up is something that can help a lot of people…

Are you currently paying OVER $100 a month for crappy cable?

Or crappy satellite TV?

What if I could save you $100+ per month AND get you every single channel you cared about?

I can, and it’s called VuTV:

Need To Save $100+ a Month? We’ve Got You Covered!

Next we have more DemonRats jumping ship:

(WATCH) Philly Democrat Mayor Jim Kenney, “I’ll be Happy When I’m Not Here, When I’m Not Mayor”

And we end with our top story…

Finally a bit of justice?

Was Justice Actually Served in a Recent Food Supply Attack?

So much more to come….

Ok that’s a wrap for tonight.

Write me back and let me know how things are with you!

We have 300,000 people who get this Newsletter and I can’t possibly write back to every single message but I do promise to read them all and I do enjoy reading every single one!

We’re better together and we are a STRONG family here at WeLoveTrump!

Love ya!

Your friend,



We’ve started a new Twitter account to bring breaking news alerts throughout the day.

Before we can get an article published, we can get a news alert out via Twitter.

I know it’s been a cesspool for the far-left, but I’m banking on Elon getting the deal closed and quickly turning it around.

And we want to be there when he does.

So will you give us a Follow here? 👇



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