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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 7/7/24

Hey everyone,
Noah here with your Sunday night Newsletter.
Before we hit the news, earlier today I brought you this report and it’s actually already helping a ton of people — I know because you’ve already emailed me thanking me for posting this.
In case you missed it: https://newsletter.dailynoah.com/p/biblical-solution-toenail-fungus
Ok, now a VERY full day of news, so we have to go fast….
Starting with Jerry “I don’t really know how to wear pants” Nadler:
And I found this fascinating from Bill O’Reilly:
Bill O’Reilly Reveals Who Is REALLY Running The Country While Joe Biden Is Incapacitated
And this:
Possible Trump VP Pick Pours Cold Water On Left’s Dream Of A Newsom-Harris Ticket
Ok, yesterday I brought you this massive alert:
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Will Replace Biden? You Have To See The Latest Evidence!
Which I believe was confirmed by this scripted event:
Bill and Hillary Clinton Spotted Flying Commercial….With No Secret Service Agents?
So….I thought it was good to take a trip down memory lane and revist the “Clinton Children”.
Have you seen this?
Or this?
Then we go to Joe Biden and my absolute favorite story of the day:
Speaking of Joe, this all happened under his watch:
LIST Of All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up, Or Destroyed Under Biden Regime
Another big public service announcement as we have another massive food recall:
Another Huge Food Recall: Here’s How To Tell If The Eggs In Your Fridge Are Included
Doesn’t it feel like these are happening much more frequently these days?
I wonder why?
Speaking of memory lane, have you see this about George W. Bush?
And it looks like we are not far from this at all:
We end tonight with our top story….
Joe Biden once again hurting black people.
This poor woman acted like a puppet and gave Joe Biden the softball interview the White House wanted and what does she get in return?
After a very long career at that radio station….fired (by the White House).
But Noah, the White House can’t fire her!
Sure….but they can tell her radio station that if they ever want to have an interview with anyone who matters ever again in the future, then she gets fired immediately.
Kind of like when Joe Biden told Ukraine they either fire the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden or they don’t get the Billion.
And we all know how that ended.
Here’s the latest from the Biden reign of terror:
JUST IN: Black Radio Host FIRED After Revealing Interview with Biden Was Scripted
I guess “she ain’t black”, right Joe?
This man is one sick puppy.
Your friend,
After years of people asking how they could contact me, I’ve finally given in and set up a PO Box.
I truly do love hearing from you all so much, and I should have done this years ago.
It’s so much fun to go to the Post Office and read all the letters from everyone.
So to all who have been asking, here’s how you can reach me:
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