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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 8/4/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with an absolutely STACKED Friday Night Newsletter.
I think I might set a record for number of articles tonight, but I have to do it….
Couldn’t figure out which ones to cut.
So you get a few bonuses!
Let’s start with this one, just breaking as I started the Newsletter tonight:
The Meme That Got Me And 1.5 MILLION People Deleted Off Facebook
Oh isn’t that just perfect poetic justice!
We were right again!
And what is going on here?
Something doesn’t add up:
Teacher Faces 600 YEARS In Prison For 25 Felony Counts
From one criminal matter to another….
We go now to the worst alibi in the history of all alibis:
Idaho Murder Suspect Bryan Kohberger Claims New Alibi For Killings
Oh man, that is all they could come up with?
This guy is gonna FRY in the chair!
Do they have the electric chair in Idaho?
Whatever they do have, I’m predicting right now he’s getting a double dose.
Actually a 4x dose would probably be appropriate I guess?
Time to rid the Earth of this creep!
And from one creep we move to an entire company of creeps within the CDC and FDA and whoever the hell else in Government keeps deciding that we need to jab our babies with EVEN MORE shots….
I’m so sick of it!
Enough is enough!
CDC Advisory Panel Approves New Injection For Infants This Fall
Leave these poor small kids alone!
Their bodies need time to grow, not to be overwhelmed with 70+ different jabs!
This is pure evil.
And I think a major counter-swing AGAINST immunizations is going to happen in the next 1-2 years.
And it will be LONG overdue.
Speaking of immunizations, what do we have here?
Exactly as we predicted?
Pfizer employees got a SPECIAL batch of the vaxx?
Pfizer Employees Confirmed to Receive ‘Special Batch’ of COVID-19 Jab?
Is that what you would call the PLACEBO?
While they forced the rest of us (not me) to take it in order to keep their jobs?
This is some evil, evil shit right here!
Oh and they get immunity from lawsuits too, how nice!
Ok, now let’s shift gears and move over to Trump news, because it was a huge day.
We start with this BOMBSHELL (and you know I don’t use that word except when it truly applies):
Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Trump Has The Real Results From The 2020 Election!
Trump team already in motion shooting off subpeonas!
Trump Team Already Firing Off Subpoenas!
Then we have Jesse Watters telling you what I told you back in January:
Jesse Watters: “Welcome To The Revenge Tour…He’ll Be Out For Blood”
And he’s 100% right.
I love this next one from Matt Gaetz:
Brilliant…now get it done!
Also, kind of funny to see that word “immunize” pop up again….
And I have been stating for quite a while now that my theory is that President Trump and his team have held all the evidence for quite a long time.
They’re already holding all the cards but letting things play out to wake up the public.
That’s my theory and it keeps looking more and more true each day:
Then we had this happen today:
And something you probably never thought you’d see happen in America:
U.S. Dollar DOWNGRADED Due To “Governance Deterioration”
That’s why I keep sounding the alarm.
Like when I told you this:
Top Colonel: “I Think The Banks Are Going Down For 2-3 Weeks”
Ok folks, wow that was a lot!
I told you we were loaded.
That’s a wrap for tonight, but already working on several big things for tomorrow.
See you then!
Your friend,
I came across a shirt I totally loved today…
They’ve only made a limited run, but if you want one they still have some in stock.
Check availability here:
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