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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/19/23



Hey everyone,

Noah here with you Tuesday night Newsletter.

We start off tonight with something that EVERYONE should see.

Can I get your help sharing this please?

It literally might save a life:

Public Service Announcement: Do You Know What This Hand Sign Means?

Thank you!

With 5 million readers each month, I like to use this platform for the greatest amount of good whenever I can.

Appreciate your help on that.

Next we go to a real favorite of mine, Miss Wendy Bell from Newsmax.

And boy does she nail it here:

COMMON SENSE: Wendy Bell Exposes The “Maui Story” and Connects All The Dots

Next up is something totally different from what we normally cover, but I think you’ll find this fascinating.

I did!


The Location of the Garden of Eden — REVEALED?

This is very scary:

Family of Four Found Shot and Killed In Quiet Suburban Neighborhood, Killer Still at Large

And so is this!

Ukraine Has Americans On A “Kill List”

Come on now, you really trying to tell me that’s a real Ambassador from Ukraine and not a bad costume from SNL?


Then we have Ray Epps finally getting charged…..for basically a parking ticket.

Maybe even less.

BREAKING: Ray Epps Finally Indicted for J6

Why even bother?

They think that is going to appease people?

You kidding me?

I found this very interesting today:

Elon Musk Now The “Unofficial” U.S. President?

And have you seen my recent interview with Superman himself?

Or would that be Clark Kent?

Wait….Dean Cain, ladies and gentlemen!

This was so much fun:

My Conversation With Dean Cain

Next is something I keep warning you about.

You see what China is doing?

As The Chinese Buy More Gold and Americans Scramble To Protect Their Retirement Savings, A Faith-Based Gold IRA Company Shows Them How


Canary In The Coal Mine? One Of Australia’s Largest Banks Phasing Out Cash Services…

This was ignored by ALL MSM sources today, but it should have been front page news.

Please help us get this everywhere:

BREAKING: Wayne County, MI Was Never Lawfully Certified for 2020 Election

And we end with our top story….

Go James!

Somebody has to fight and I’m glad to see him in there!


Expose the corruption!

That’s all for tonight.

See you back here tomorrow.

Your friend,



I always like to say…”who loves ya baby?”


Because I not only bring you the news each night but I also bring you goodies when I find them.

I know this won’t be for everyone, but I think a lot of you are going to love this.

I didn’t create this, one of my partners did, but they did all the hard work and now you can reap the rewards.  

Because who doesn’t like rewards?  



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