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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 9/21/22

Hey friends,
Noah here with your midweek, Wednesday night Newsletter!
Sorry but I hate how people call it “hump day”.
Is that just me?
Sounds lame.
It’s not hump day, it’s Wednesday.
And we have more tonight than usual.
So I’ve left in a couple bonus articles for you because I could decide what to cut.
So let’s jump in…
Starting with a MSM truth coming out today about 9/11…
We were right all along:
Patrick Bet David: CONFIRMED Thermite Was Used In 9/11 “Attacks”
Then we have my personal favorite, second only to Donald Trump….Kari Lake!
She has the BDE!
And I think this is really important to get out everywhere:
This is exactly what all politicians should be doing!
So why is she the only one?
And why is Katie Hobbs hiding in her basement like Joe (Hiden) Biden?
Next up is something that is guaranteed to be controversial.
But I don’t tickle ears here….
I report the truth, whether you like it or not.
And the truth is, I’m sorry but there is no NESARA/GESARA.
The IRS is not going away…
All debts are not getting totally wiped away…
Yes, we are going through a huge transition and yes there is a Great Awakening, but the rest of it is not true.
And I’m sorry but I will always tell you the truth no matter what:
Next up we have my personal favorite…
If you think it’s a stretch to believe Joe Biden is being played by multiple actors in masks, then you haven’t seen this yet:
Don’t Believe Biden Is An Actor Wearing a Mask? Then You Have To See This…
Next we go to Mike Lindell:
And a brilliant idea from a reader for how we can help Mike and others!
JOIN IN! Brilliant Idea From a Reader To Support Mike Lindell…
Next we go to Putin and I am telling you there is something BIG coming on 9/24….
Be ready:
Putin Warns West that His Nuclear Threat “Is Not a Bluff,” Biden Responds
This is NOT a drill!
Speaking of drills, the WEF admitted today that COVID was nothing more than a test to see how far you’d go to comply….
How far you’d bend over and take it up the….rear:
Here it comes again!
And speaking of creeps, why is Bill Gates even remotely qualified to talk about this?
Bill Gates Fascinated With Child Death: “Why Does a Child Die?”
I ask and answer the question in the link above.
Then we have a major breaking story, proving it is possible:
And we end with our top story:
I guess they just all love goats?
Your friend,
Our most popular Trump hat ever was completely SOLD OUT for about 9 months.
It’s finally back in stock, with a limited run.
Claim your spot in line to get one for FREE here if you want one…👇
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