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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 5/15/24



Hey everyone,

Noah here and I’m back with another Noon email update just like I promised.

Reminder: I’ll be doing these all week this week as I continue to work through our Newsletter Migration.

I hope you don’t mind?

As always, this service is 100% FREE and I hope it benefits and blesses you.

Ok, three big reports for you as we cross over mid-day, first starting with this beauty:

REPORT: Michael Cohen’s Former Lawyer To DISCREDIT His Story Before Congress

His own lawyer is now turning on him!

Has anyone in recent memory ever felt less credible than this loser?


Great news to report next:

Trump-Endorsed Republican Governor WINS WV Primary — Projected To Succeed Manchin

And then this moved quickly this morning:

It’s Official: Trump Accepts Biden’s Debate Offer, Here’s When

Can't wait!

The only question is....will they really happen?

And if so, much many drugs will they have to pump into Biden to keep him upright and awake?

See you back here tonight for our regular, full report.

Until then....

Your friend,



I don't know about you, but I have several people in my family who suffer from headaches.

We have heating pads and ice packs galore, but they never seem to really help.

That's why I got one of these and it's been a LIFE SAVER for our family!

It's called the Harmony Gel Cap:

Hot and cold....

Full 360 degree coverage...

Totally drug-free relief....

One size fits all...

They've been selling out a lot, but you can check to see if it's in stock here:



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