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Noah’s NOON Newsletter – 7/17/23

Hey everyone,
Noah here with an urgent Monday Morning alert.
Actually, it’s more like a NOON Newsletter, so we’ll go with that.
But here’s why I wanted to come to you early today…
Because FedNow is launching this week and I’m getting flooded with questions about it.
So let’s just cover it right now so you know what to expect this week.
SPOILER ALERT: yes, this IS big.
But allow me to explain…
First, we start with the change in launch dates:
I have to wonder, was this change to allow extra time for the XRP/SEC lawsuit to end?
Seems VERY funny timing to me…
Now the big question….what happens on Thursday, July 20?
Allow me to explain:
Here’s a bigger picture zoom out….
Been warning about this for a long time and now it’s here:
This is already happening in many places in the world, but does this happen here next?
Think that’s not possible?
Here’s Glenn Beck telling you it’s not only possible, but it’s likely coming very soon:
Glenn Beck: “Monday, You Could Wake Up And The Banks Would ALL Be Closed”
But it’s not just me and Glenn Beck sounding the alarm…
It’s also Patrick Bet-David and Col. Douglas MacGregor:
Col. Douglas MacGregor: “I Think The Banks Are Going Down For 2-3 Weeks”
Then we have this…
You’re going to start hearing a LOT about U.S. Govt. Docket No. OP-1670 in the future.
Just remember you heard it here first:
And let’s wrap up here….
If you want to know who’s really behind all of this, I have that for you right now.
It dates back to 1913.
Bet there’s a lot you’ve never heard before:
The Secret History That Connects The Federal Reserve To The Titanic…
Be ready!
Big week ahead of us.
I’ll see you back here tonight for the full report.
Your friend,
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Because Free Speech is ok again and it’s so much fun now!
We just crossed over 25,200 followers! So excited to be connected to all of you!
Growing faster than I can keep up!
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