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Oregon Health Authority Data Lists 622 COVID-19 Deaths in Fully Vaccinated Residents



Mainstream media and public health officials continue peddling the lie that you won’t suffer severe illness from COVID-19 by getting vaccinated.

However, newly released state data from Oregon proves that’s not always the case.

The report shows that 622 fully vaccinated Oregonians passed away from COVID-19 complications.

Gateway Pundit noted:

Of those who died of Covid, 314 were recipients of the Pfizer vaccine, 167 were recipients of the Moderna vaccine and 84 were recipients of the Johnson and Johnson shot.

Oregon Health Authority listed this chart of breakthrough cases by age group and severity:

The omicron variant has Oregon health officials worried that the state will see a surge of breakthrough COVID-19 cases.

Unsurprisingly, the health agency perceives that as an excuse to receive a booster.

As stated in International Business Times:

The latest vaccine breakthrough data comes as Oregon health officials prepare for a potential surge of COVID-19 cases after discovering three cases of the highly mutated Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) in the state.

The three cases were found in Washington and Multnomah counties. County health officials have since established communication with the three patients.

“We have a little time, but not a lot and that’s unfortunate,” Peter Graven, the lead analyst for Oregon Health & Science University, told KATU. “Boosters we have do look like they will protect against infection and hospitalization really well.”

While the latest Oregon data clearly says fully vaccinated individuals can have severe COVID-19 complications, the Biden Administration issued this threat to unvaccinated Americans.

Biden added this fearmongering message in his Tuesday press conference:

Biden comments that nearly everyone who has died of COVID-19 in the past many months is unvaccinated.

However, the data proves Biden wrong.



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