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Pelosi Stepping Down?



This is huge news if it’s true…..and it couldn’t get here soon enough.

Nancy Pelosi has been a thorn in the side of everyone who wishes for small government—the career politician, now 81 years old, wants to leave a legacy behind before she retires from public life.

At least that’s what sources close to her are saying……..

Maria Bartiromo is claiming that Nancy Pelosi may step down after the infrastructure bill is signed into law. Pelosi doesn’t want to leave without first leaving something behind.

The only problem I have with this is that right now this is purely just speculation and rumor, but it is informed speculation and rumor.

Here’s to hoping that both Pelosi and the infrastructure bill are not a part of our future.

Maria Bartiromo had this to say:

Conservative Brief provided some context:

“First, this morning is exclusive, sources tell Sunday Morning Futures there is speculation swirling in Washington that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may step down after getting the massive spending package through,” she said.

“So all those Democrat members who had their arms twisted to vote on the multitrillion-dollar package and put their own reelection in jeopardy may be fuming to learn that the speaker could be planning a cut and run,” she added.

The Los Angeles Times added:

Privately, several lawmakers have told The Times’ congressional correspondent, Jennifer Haberkorn, they believe these will be Pelosi’s last major pieces of legislation and thus will pass in some form, however tortured the process and whatever compromises it takes.


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