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Russian Military Claims The U.S. Is Funding Bioweapons Research Inside Ukraine



As the conflict rages on between Russia and Ukraine the Russian military has made serious allegations.

According to Major General Igor Konashenkov of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russia has uncovered evidence of U.S. funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

Konashenkov presents documents which he claims are authentic and definitive proof that bioweapons were being researched and engineered in laboratories within Ukraine.

We currently do not know if the piece of evidence presented below is authentic or not, but we do know that the U.S. has been funding bioweapon-defense research in Ukraine via a Washington Post article from 2005:

Becker News reports that these bioweapon cultures were allegedly ordered to be destroyed according to the documents:

Critically, the document then lists the cultures that are to be destroyed:

C. diphtheriae gravis tox – 0-1101
C. diphtheriae mitis tox- 203 AG
C. pseudeodipthericum 02-92 z (9-61)
C. diphtheriae tox +NCTC 10648
C. diptheriae tox – NCTC 10356
C. xerosis NCTC 12078
B. liheniformis “C”
B. stearothermophilis BKM-B-718
S.aureus.subsp.aureus ATCC 25923
E Coli (Beta)
P.aeruginosa ATCC 27853
K. penumoniae K-56 3534.51

The document appears to be signed by the Head of Microbiological Laboratories, Karlivsky V.P., as well as by Nadiya Kushka, Lyubov Bobritska, Tetiyana Shebchenko, and Peter Vasiliev.

The Washington Post previously reported:

The United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday to work jointly to prevent the spread of biological weapons, signing a pact that clears the way for Ukraine’s government to receive U.S. aid to improve security at facilities where dangerous microbes are kept.

The agreement, the result of more than a year of negotiations, was announced by Sens. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) during a visit to the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The senators credited Ukraine’s reformist leaders, ushered into power by last fall’s Orange Revolution, with breaking bureaucratic resistance to the pact.



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