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The End Of Standard Time? The Senate Just Unanimously Voted To Keep DST Permanent



The Senate just unanimously voted to keep daylight savings time (DST) permanent.

Marco Rubio (R-FL) sponsored the bill, known as the Sunshine Protection Act, along with Lauren Boebert (R-CO). If the bill passes in the House and is signed by Biden it will become law, making standard time a thing of the past.

Daylight savings time was originally a mechanism designed to maximize the amount of daylight which farmers could utilize during the planting and harvesting months.

Due to changes in technology, factory farming techniques, and the switch from an agrarian economy to a service-based highly technological society, daylight savings time has become obsolete.

If the bill does become law the changes will take effect November of 2023, and keep daylight savings time as the permanent option—maximizing daylight hours all year long.

The reaction to the bill seemed to be overwhelmingly positive:

Reuters confirmed:

The Senate approved the measure, called the Sunshine Protection Act, unanimously by voice vote. The House of Representatives, which has held a committee hearing on the matter, must still pass the bill before it can go to President Joe Biden to sign.


Breitbart criticized the move citing a similar move by President Nixon in the 1970’s:

However, they failed to deal with a problem that derailed a similar effort by President Nixon, who made DST permanent in 1974, in the midst of the Arab oil embargo. As the New York Times recalled, the result was dark winter mornings that were dangerous for children walking to school or waiting for the bus:



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