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Turkey to Start Offering 5th Dose of COVID-19 Inoculations



Earlier this week, the Netherlands made headlines by announcing a plan to order six doses of the COVID-19 jab for residents. 

Turkey has raised the bar of insanity by offering 5th doses of COVID-19 boosters. 

As long as a citizen’s 4th dose was at least three months ago, they can now make an appointment for their 5th COVID-19 injection. 

Until Turkish residents say enough is enough, it will be a never-ending cycle of boosters.

Daily Sabah reported:

Individuals who received two doses of the Chinese Sinovac and two doses of the BioNTech vaccine at least three months ago will be able to get an appointment for the fifth dose.

They will be able to receive the Sinovac, BioNTech or the domestically-made Turkovac vaccines as a booster.

Turkovac, a domestically developed inactive COVID-19 vaccine, is finally available to the public after receiving emergency use approval. On Thursday, city hospitals became the first venues for inoculation with Turkovac, and the vaccination program with the local jab is expected to expand to all hospitals and other venues within weeks.

83% of residents age 18+ have received two doses of a COVID-19 injection and 91.6% received at least one dose.



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