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WATCH: Fired NYC Healthcare Workers Burn Their Scrubs at COVID-19 Injection Mandate Protest



New Yorkers are angry!

Well, at least the ones fired from their jobs for not complying to COVID-19 injection mandates.

Upwards of 70,000 New York state healthcare workers now find themselves without employment.

They worked through the height of the COVID-19 outbreak and were rightfully regarded as heroes.

Citizens banged pots & pans to celebrate their bravery for treating patients without proper PPE.

Many of them contracted COVID-19 and developed natural immunity.

Fast forward to the present, and they’ve become the unemployed.

Governor Hochul declared a state of emergency due to this self-imposed labor shortage in the healthcare industry.

Hochul will use the National Guard to replace unvaccinated healthcare workers.

And those National Guard members don’t have to be vaccinated until June 30, 2022.

In what world does that make any sense?

You replace unvaccinated healthcare workers with possibly unvaccinated National Guard.

It smells like the foundation of a military takeover to me.

Instead of complying with the mandate, fired New York healthcare workers expressed their outrage.

On Saturday, a group of protestors gathered outside of Staten Island University Hospital and burned their scrubs.

Watch below:

A few fired healthcare workers spoke out against the unconstitutional mandate.

An interesting point was made in that clip.

COVID-19 boosters.

The CDC already recommended booster shots for frontline healthcare workers.

While this only applies to Pfizer for now, Moderna boosters will surely follow.

Since Fraudci already stated a booster will be needed for a “complete regimen,” it’s a matter of time before double-jabbed individuals are considered unvaccinated.

How long before the double-jabbed healthcare workers receive the same ultimatum?

Will they comply?

Or, will they say enough is enough and join the fight?



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