(WATCH) South Australia Resorts to Scare Tactics for COVID-19 Booster Campaign, Warns Double Vaxxed Can Die of COVID

The South Australian government has launched a tenacious COVID-19 booster advertising campaign to encourage people to receive their third dose.
They’ve even resorted to scare tactics.
Australian mainstream media admits it during this befuddling news segment.
“Health authorities have been forced to resort to scare tactics to get more South Australians triple vaccinated against COVID,” 7News said on-air.
The multi-million advertising campaign featured double vaccinated Aussies who supposedly became severely ill from COVID-19.
“This winter, remember, double vaxxed isn’t fully vaxxed,” the scare campaign stated.
We’ve gone from health authorities saying the experimental COVID-19 shots were nearly 100% effective to stop transmission to you still might die with two shots.
It’s unbelievable some individuals still cannot wake up to the catastrophic damage caused by this medical experiment.
Australia’s Worldometer page exemplifies what a disaster its COVID-19 inoculation campaign has become.
The country has fared much worse in 2022, despite nearly 84% of citizens completing an initial protocol.
abc.net.au reported on the South Australian government’s feverish push to inoculate its residents with a COVID-19 booster.
The South Australian government is launching a $2 million advertising campaign to encourage people to receive a third COVID-19 vaccine, as authorities report another five people with COVID have died.
About 72 per cent of eligible South Australians have had their third dose. Health Minister Chris Picton said the campaign was targeting the remaining group.
“That still means there are 28 per cent of those people who have had two doses who haven’t come forward yet to have their third dose,” he said.
Premier Peter Malinauskas said the state’s hospital system remained “under a lot of pressure”, and being fully vaccinated was one way of avoiding hospitalisation.
“You don’t want to be the person who is only double-vaxxed, ends up getting COVID, and then finds themselves on a ventilator in our hospital system wishing they had had a third dose,” he said.
Chief Public Health Officer Nicola Spurrier said the “science was absolutely crystal clear” that three doses of the vaccine were required, even in people who have previously had COVID-19.
“I’m very keen to go away from talking about boosters because it’s not a booster; the course is actually three doses for Omicron,” she said.
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