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WATCH: Thousands Protest Covid Policy In Germany



Protests continued for yet another day in Germany in response to Covid-19 policy.

The protests show no sign of slowing down as thousands took to the streets to protest the German regime’s lockdowns, forced vaccination policy, and a general lack of common sense on Covid-19.

While The United States seems to be taking a step back with Joe Biden announcing that the federal government has essentially given up the fight against Covid-19, the European powers seem to be taking 2 steps in the wrong direction.

Mainstream media outlets seem to be silent on the demonstrations with only limited coverage coming from CNN who chose to paint the protests in a violent light.

Here are just some of the scenes from the protests:

The Epoch Times reports:

In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 people took to the streets to demonstrate.

The city of Cottbus saw around 3,000 demonstrators, according to Tagesschau which cited police figures. Elsewhere in the east, around 9,000 demonstrators took to the streets at 16 locations across the south of Brandenburg. Hundreds more protested in the cities of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, and various places in Lower Saxony, as per local reports.

CNN chose to paint the demonstrations in a less positive way:

Some 500 people marched to the city center in the city of Bautzen, in Saxony, late into the night Monday in violation of public health regulations, some of them carrying anti-vaccination signs.

Twelve police officers were injured and twelve emergency vehicles were damaged as protesters clashed with police.

Scuffles broke out in several parts of the state, Saxony police said, while television footage showed demonstrators throwing objects and shouting insults at officers.



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