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WATCH: Vaccine Developer Nikolai Petrovsky Feels Uncomfortable About the Past 18 Months



I’d like to watch the mainstream media spin this one.

Good luck labeling a vaccine developer as “anti-vaxx”

Nikolai Petrovsky is the Founder & Chairman of Vaxine Pty Ltd

He’s a Professor of Medicine – Flinders University, Australia.

Petrovsky had this to say about what has transpired with the COVID-19 jab rollout:

Sounds very alarming for a vaccine developer to express those concerns.

Petrovsky made that statement despite his company attempting to produce a recombinant protein-based COVID-19 jab.

From Vaxine Pty:

Vaxine was incorporated in 2002 as an Australian biotechnology company focussing on development of innovative vaccine technologies, with its lead product being its Advax delta inulin adjuvant. Supported by funding contracts from the National Institutes of Health Vaxine has developed a broad range of vaccines, all utilizing its Advax adjuvant technology for enhanced immunogenicity and protection. Vaxine’s human candidates include vaccines against seasonal and pandemic influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile Virus, malaria, rabies, and allergy. Vaxine also has a veterinary division that is commercialising vaccine adjuvants tailored to specific animal health problems.

Vaxine has developed a recombinant protein based vaccine against COVID-19 which is currently in advanced clinical development and it is hoped this vaccine will achieve emergency use approval by Q4 2021.

However, I’m not naïve about the financial implications of vaccine development.

Could Petrovsky’s comment be a sly attempt to distort confidence in the mRNA and adenovirus injections?

Maybe to draw more funding to Vaxine’s protein-based Covax-19 jab?


But I won’t deny the accurate points Petrovsky made in the video.

The COVID-19 injections on the market haven’t been through rigorous 10-15 year trials.

And I expect Vaxine’s protein-based COVID-19 jabs to go through the same 10-15 year process.

You also must wonder how many recipients receive the proper informed consent.

Do they get informed consent of these potential adverse events?

I highly doubt it.



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