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Why Is Twitter Hiring Scores Of F.B.I. Agents?



These allegations are not so shocking—particularly to those familiar with history…

It is said that U.S. intelligence officers have maintained a presence at every major film, television, and media studio since at least the 1960s, and now it seems that they are fostering this same presence at big-tech firms like Twitter.

Investigative reporting by Alan MacLeod has revealed that the social media giant has at least a dozen FBI agents working for the network already…

MacLeod claims that they are attempting to hire scores more…

Twitter has long been criticized for its role in spreading state propaganda and suppressing viewpoints that go against the state-sanctioned narrative.

The most pervasive form of peddling state-sponsored narratives came in the widespread censorship of viewpoints that went against the grain in the Covid-19 debate, which the company ruthlessly labeled as ‘misinformation’.

Additionally, the big tech platform took measures to suppress dissent relating to the 2020 election, the Hunter Biden laptop story, and took great pains to paint almost any conservative-leaning viewpoint as ‘white nationalism’…

At last, it seems we know why…they’ve been outright colluding with the state security apparatus the whole time—what was suspected for so long is now confirmed:

Big League Politics cites just one example from the MacLeod report:

The FBI has been a primary recruiting ground for Twitter. MintPress noted that the “FBI is generally known as a domestic security and intelligence force.” Though it has expanded its control into cyberspace.

MintPress noted Dawn Burton, who previously held the position of Washington operations for Lockheed Martin, recently held a job as senior innovation advisor to the director at the FBI.

She would later become senior director of strategy and operations for legal, public policy, trust and safety at Twitter. All of this took place in 2019.


Alan MacLeod’s entire report was featured on MintPress News:

When asked to comment by MintPress, former FBI agent and whistleblower Coleen Rowley said that she was “not surprised at all” to see FBI agents now working for the very tech companies the agency polices, stating that there now exists a “revolving door” between the FBI and the areas they are trying to regulate.

This created a serious conflict of interests in her mind, as many agents have one eye on post-retirement jobs. “The truth is that at the FBI 50% of all the normal conversations that people had were about how you were going to make money after retirement,” she said.


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