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Alberta Premier Jason Kenney Announces Plan to End COVID-19 Restrictions; Digital ID the Future Fight for Albertans



Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced his government will detail a path forward to the eventual end of public health measures next week.

As anti-mandate protests continue in the province, it appears Kenney has conceded to the will of Albertans who want COVID-19 restrictions gone.

While the exact timeline isn’t clear, Kenney stated that details on the removal of vaccine passports would come next week.

Kenney made the announcement on a social media live stream to avoid questions from reporters.

Global News reported:

“No responsible government makes policy by negotiating with people engaged in such unlawful conduct. Period. Full stop,” he said. “We fully expect our law enforcement agencies to restore and maintain public safety and law and order.”

Kenney said a plan to end Alberta’s vaccine passport program is part of what he expects to announce next week, following a meeting with his COVID-19 cabinet committee. A few days ago, Kenney said he hoped the passport could be eliminated by the end of March.

He said Thursday that he hoped to be able to lift most public health measures by the end of the month if the pressure on the health-care system declines sufficiently.

Ottawa Citizen provided further details on Kenney’s plan to gradually lift restrictions:

We have not made final decisions. Our cabinet COVID committee will be meeting early next week to review the latest data and trends and make decisions. We will be publishing a plan for opening early next week.

As I’ve said, we expect that one of the first changes will be dropping the restriction exemption program (Alberta’s vaccine passport). And personally I’d also like to see us prioritize lifting damaging restrictions on kids.

We want to do this cautiously, but moving forward with real intention to lift almost all restrictions throughout February.

What are the benefits you see of dropping restrictions?

Well let me count the ways.

You know, first of all, how about just the basic restoring people’s fundamental freedoms? I’m a little perplexed about how cavalier some in the Canadian COVID debate have been about impairing and violating fundamental freedoms.

Secondly … I think normalcy is underrated.

Thirdly … I know that the kind of government-funded laptop class has never really cared very much about the economic impact of restrictions, but it’s real.

Edmonton Journal published this clip of Kenney’s press conference:

While COVID-19 restrictions will inevitably end, I want to prime Albertans for the next fight in the near future.

Digital ID.

That is the next agenda item Canadians must face with fierce resistance to defeat the globalist takeover of society.

As stated by MyAlberta Digital ID:

You can use MyAlberta Digital ID to access participating online government services. New services are being added all the time.

You’ll find numerous services already available via MyAlberta Digital ID.

How long until the list expands to include every aspect of your life and functioning in society is impossible without a digital ID?

Will Albertans be able to apply for a job, secure a loan, or travel without a digital ID?

That’s the next fight in this battle against total government control of our lives.



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