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Are We About To Cross RED2 and RED3? [From NOAH]



Hi friends!

NOAH here and YES, the Newsletter is back!

Soon the Newsletter will be going out every evening again and I’m now working with a company that values and protects FREE SPEECH!

It took a lot of work and a lot of searching, but we are finally on solid ground again.

Now let’s jump into the news because I have SO MUCH to show you.

Starting with this:

Russell Brand Debates Candace Owens!

This guy is still a lefty but it feels like he’s starting to wake up a bit.

Nice to see him engaging with Candace Owens (who clearly won this debate!).

Next up is something that should be front page news all over the country…..I screenshot the words DIRECTLY from the WHO’s own website folks:

BOMBSHELL from the WHO’s Own Website: Even When Taken In Animal Doses, Ivermectin “NOT Hazardous To Humans!”

When will they stop lying about Ivermectin?

And speaking of lying, the government’s own VAERS website shows a LOT of complications with the poison vaxx, but new data suggests that even these numbers (which are bad) may be 100 times under-reported!

Is the VAERS Government Website Actually Under-Reporting Vaxx Cases by 100 Times?

Next up is one of my favorite Freedom Friday shirts in a while:

HONORING FIRST RESPONDERS: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

And so proud to say that proceeds go to support local First Responders!

Please grab one and join us in supporting them!

Then we have this from Animal Farm, errrrrrr, I mean from D.C.:

Motion Tracker Watchtower Installed Outside of U.S. Capitol

This next one is making a lot of people angry, including me:

WATCH: “Maskhole” Harasses Woman In The Store, Other Shoppers Defend Her

Whatever you do, do NOT be a Maskhole!

And then we have this beauty, which is super catchy and actually a really good song….


My New Favorite Song! “Biden Looks SOOOO Good In Jail”

And then because so many people have asked me about this, I wrote a helpful guide:

Do NOT Quit Your Job If Forced To Take The Vaxx! Here’s Why and What To Do Instead….

So excited to bring you this next update….

YOU are amazing people!


UPDATE: We Met and CRUSHED Our Goal To Help An Amazing Patriot and Veterans! THANK YOU!

And because the MSM will not cover them, I will….

Here is the latest update with helpful advice from America’s Frontline Doctors on their recommended COVID Protocol:

America’s Frontline Doctors Post COVID Protocols; MSM Melts Down

And I told you this was coming….

Get ready for the Biden death panels:

Birth of Biden Death Panels: Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to Be RATIONED to Red States

Super important warning next….

I’ve been shouting from the rooftops about this for weeks and now President Trump just went on record and agrees with me:

President Trump Warns: DO NOT Attend September 18th Rally, “It’s a Setup!”


Don’t play stupid games,  don’t win stupid prizes!

And we end with a real gem.

Clif High is endlessly fascinating and I hope to have him on my show soon!

He recently released this video where he explains how his data shows will will soon cross into RED2 and RED3.

He explains what that means here:

Clif High Says We Are About To Cross RED2 and RED3

That’s a wrap!

Thanks so much for being here with me!

I’ll catch you on the next one.

Your friend,




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