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California Man Dies After Paramedics Refuse To Help Him Due To Covid Regulations



What has happened to this country? Where is the humanity?

These are the questions people are asking following a tragedy which occurred in Rialto California on November 11th 2021.

According to sources, paramedics responded to a call for a man who had just suffered a cardiac arrest, but did not enter the home, nor provide adequate help for the distressed individual.

Instead what they chose to do was cite “some Covid-19 law” as the reason why they couldn’t save the life of someone in distress.

The man passed away some time after finally being received in the hospital….

People posted the story many times over with disgust at the lack of common sense and left-wing laws which directly contributed to this tragedy:

Fox 11 Los Angeles, a local Fox affiliate, broke the story:

The officer walks in and his exchange with center personnel is clear. As he walked down the hallway, he tried to explain to them that the paramedics were not coming in because of some “state COVID” guideline. Inside the patient’s room, a registered nurse was on top of him, administering CPR, with the help of other certified nursing assistants at her side. It seemed they couldn’t move the man’s bed, because it had no wheels.

That’s when the officer got behind the bed and began to push. With the help of the personnel, the nurse still on top of the man, they steered the bed down the hallways. At one point, you hear him telling the clearly exhausted nurse that she is doing a great job and not to stop.

Fox News followed up with this:

Rialto City Fire Department Acting Chief Brian Park said that multiple members of his department have been placed on leave pending an investigation due to the “troubling video footage.”

“Our Fire Department’s mission is to provide excellence in responding to medical emergencies through ‘compassionate service.’ As Acting-Fire Chief, I will ensure the independence of the outside investigation,” Park said in a statement on Wednesday.


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