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Canada to Impose COVID-19 Jab Mandate on Truckers Beginning January 15th; Critics Cite Risk to Fragile Supply Chains



The Canadian federal government risks causing supply chain breakdowns and economic chaos by imposing a COVID-19 jab mandate on truckers.

Reports indicate Canada already faces shortages of truck drivers, and the looming mandate could create a catastrophe for the industry.

With the fear of losing thousands of workers, the industry and political opposition called for greater support for truckers.

CBC News wrote:

The federal government risks hitting Canada’s fragile supply chains with another shockwave if it proceeds with a planned vaccination mandate for truckers, say the Conservatives and industry groups.

Ottawa will begin requiring proof of vaccination for all truckers starting January 15.

The Canadian government has faced intense backlash for the impending mandate that would threaten fragile supply chains.

CBC News later added:

Lantsman sent a letter to Transport Minister Omar Alghabra this week asking his government to do more to support the trucking industry if the mandate is introduced as planned.

Global supply chains have been under immense strain throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in widespread shipping delays and shortages of certain products.

Those worried about the government’s plan to require vaccines for truckers say the loss of more drivers could threaten the movement of essential supplies, like food and construction materials, and make it hard for small businesses to deliver their products to customers.

The Toronto Sun referenced the potential consequences if the mandate stands:

A letter this week from Thornhill MP Melissa Lantsman calls on Transport Minister Omar Alghabra to follow suit with the United States and provide exemption to vaccine mandates for truck drivers who operate alone in their trucks — an industry she says has shown little to no workplace transmission of COVID-19.

“The trucking industry moves, by value, close to 70% of the $648 billion dollar Canada-US trade,” Lantsman wrote.

“There are 160,000 truck drivers moving Canada-U.S. trade — about 120,000 of these drivers are Canadian with the remaining 40,000 being American.”

The fear, she said, is that upwards of 20% of these Canadian truckers are likely to be unvaccinated, a number that rises to 40% for American drivers — according to the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA.)


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