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New York Governor Kathy Hochul Mandates COVID-19 Boosters For Healthcare Workers



Governor Kathy Hochul announced a COVID-19 booster mandate for New York healthcare workers in her Friday briefing.

Healthcare employees will require a booster within two months once they become eligible for the shot.

Although the COVID-19 jab’s efficacy is useless against omicron, Hochul’s brilliant solution is more experimental shots for healthcare workers.

The prior COVID-19 jab mandate has created a staffing shortage across New York State, and a mandated booster will only exacerbate the problem.

And the requirement to take another dangerous injection will put healthcare workers at risk of developing adverse reactions.

Crain’s New York wrote:

The number of health care workers calling out sick due to the omicron surge, stressing the health system, prompted the mandate, Hochul said. She said she has consulted Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett, who concurred on the mandate.

“Seeing the number of health care workers we’re losing, we think it’s worth it to ask them to do it one more time,” Hochul said.

Bassett will recommend the mandate to the Department of Health’s Public Health and Health Planning Council, who will hold a special meeting on Tuesday to weigh in.

The mandate takes effect immediately, and guidelines will be forthcoming from the Health Department.

The mandate followed a previous one from the state requiring all health care workers to have received at least one dose of the vaccine by Oct. 7.

Northwell Health, New York’s largest health care provider, praised Governor Hochul for her tyrannical decision to mandate COVID-19 boosters:

SI Live added:

“Getting boosted is a common sense move. We do not want people to keep having breakthroughs. Thank you to all healthcare workers who have been keeping this state safe,” said Hochul at a press briefing.

The new mandate calls for all New York healthcare workers to get a COVID booster within two months of eligibility.

“We had a mandate that healthcare workers be vaccinated that went into effect a few months ago. And it was an extraordinary accomplishment,” said Hochul.

“I want to thank all the health care workers and their employers for getting us to do the right thing and getting people to understand that it’s the best way to protect themselves and to protect the people they care for… That’s why it’s time and important to now protect people and the workers, and to protect the integrity of our healthcare system. Because they work with our most vulnerable New Yorkers, we need to make sure that our healthcare workers are now boosted. … You would want to make sure that anyone taking care of you is fully protected.”

Hochul claims the first COVID-19 jab mandate for healthcare workers was an extraordinary accomplishment. 

The mandate helped New York obliterate its record-high case numbers in recent weeks. 

While Hochul pushes propaganda that the COVID-19 jabs are safe and effective, there’s no proof they slow the spread. 

Despite the dramatic surge, Hochul’s solution is another COVID-19 injection that will wane over a few months whenever the next mutation arises. 

But New York healthcare workers can say no if they want to end the perpetual booster cycle. 



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