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European Easing Of Covid Restrictions Signaling The End Of The Pandemic?



A growing number of European countries are easing Covid-19 regulations.

At the same time this is occurring, liberal states in the U.S. are lifting mask mandates this month which leads meany to believe that a global end to the ‘pandemic’ is near.

The latest reports indicate that France, Greece, and Portugal are all easing Covid-19 restrictions following similar announcements from the U.K. and a number of Scandinavian countries.

While the state narrative seems to be crumbling everywhere, fears abound over the fallout from the Covid-19 conspiracy and scandal.

One question looms heavy on everyone’s minds: can we continue to trust state structures after the events of the last 2 years? Or have permanent cracks formed in the general public’s trust of government and corporate institutions?

Take a look through these reports and let us know what you think:

The Epoch Times confirmed:

France, Greece, and Portugal became the latest European countries to relax COVID-19-related restrictions, with the three nations easing travel restrictions.

For example, vaccinated tourists won’t have to provide a negative COVID-19 test to enter, although unvaccinated people will. Greece also dropped pre-departure requirements for testing.


According to NTD News:

The Coronavirus or vaccination passport isn’t well suited for use in these circumstances because its necessity and proportionality is difficult to justify right now,” Henriksson said Tuesday.

Finland is joining the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Ireland, which have all announced they will be either relaxing or scrapping COVID-19 restrictions such as mask mandates or COVID-19 vaccine passports.


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