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Noah’s Nightly Newsletter – 2/9/22

Hi friends!
Noah here with your “humpday” Newsletter…
How are ya?
I am so excited to bring you our top story tonight I can hardly wait….but more on that in a moment.
First we start with something really interesting:
Bob Saget’s Cause of Death Revealed: Something More At Play Here?
Read that article to see why I think this suddenly raises a LOT more questions than it answers.
What is going on here?
Then we have a brand new statement from President Trump:
Always to great to hear from this man.
And can you believe this?
AT&T/DirecTV Cancels OANN — Here’s How You Can Watch For MUCH Cheaper!
But fear not friends!
If you have DirecTV (or any other crappy cable or satellite company) I can not only get you OANN, I can get you Newsmax, FoxNews, InfoWars, dozens of amazing Christian channels, all the network channels, sports and basically anything you would want….and I can save you about $100 over what you’re paying right now.
Details here.
You know I’ve ALWAYS got your back, right?
I love cutting out the fat cats and returning the power to the people!
Cut the fat, cut the cord!
Save $100.
Then we have an awesome victory in one of the bluest of the blue states:
And this couldn’t happen to better people, right?
This next one had me so worked up today I had to take about a 15 minute break just to calm down.
Here is the article:
Demon Possessed or Insane? Video Shows Alleged Human Smuggler Going Crazy
Take a moment and realize this is not just an article…
This is real life.
This Demonically-possessed woman is real.
The children she (allegedly) trafficked are real.
Can you imagine being a 5 year old kid and being kidnapped by this DEMON?
Absolutely terrifying and it makes me hope she burns in hell for all of eternity over and over and over….and then does it again.
Such evil is hard to even understand.
Ok, gotta calm down again….because now I have my absolute favorite story of the day.
Or of the week!
Earlier this week I told you about what may be a genius plan to expose the election fraud and bring Trump back into office…all before 2024.
Some of you said it was pure “hope” and never going to happen.
The only problem with that?
Vernon Jones apparently disagrees with you because he just basically confirmed the plan.
Read it here and then show a friend:
How President Trump Becomes President Again (Before 2024) Just CONFIRMED By Vernon Jones
Get excited my friends!
Ok that’s a wrap, I will see you back here tomorrow.
Your friend,
Thanks for STANDING WITH MIKE! Your support means a lot.
Check availability here… 👇
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