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Gorilla Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Unexpectedly Dies at Gladys Porter Zoo of ‘Multiple Organ Failure’



Martha, 32, a western lowland gorilla died Tuesday night at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas.

The gorilla was the last gorilla baby born to the zoo’s matriarch and patriarch, Katunga and Lamydoc, an icon of the zoo.


The gorilla reportedly died unexpectedly of “multiple organ failure.”

From Valley Central:

Gladys Porter Zoo staff are mourning the loss of a Western Lowland Gorilla who died last week.

The zoo issued a release on Wednesday commemorating the life of Martha, a gorilla who died unexpectedly on Tuesday, April 19.

Zookeepers noticed Martha was slow to respond on the morning of April 19. She was being treated for a urinary tract infection but no signs of a more serious illness were present. Martha passed away later that night. A preliminary inspection after her death revealed Martha suffered from multiple issues.

“Upon necropsy, we found that she had multiple organ abnormalities, which, in turn, created a life-ending cascade,” said Dr. Tom deMaar, the Zoo’s Senior Veterinarian. “The cascade began with fibrosing heart disease, which led to renal failure.”

The zoo notes that gorillas are checked on a daily basis for any sign of illness.

As Igor Chudov noted, Gladys Porter Zoo inoculated its animals against COVID-19.

What happened?

You know where it goes: the gorilla was recently vaccinated for COVID!

*Source – Igor Chudov*

Mind you, gorillas live 50 years in zoos. So in human terms, Martha was about a 40-45 years old human.

How dangerous was Covid to animals in Gladys Porter zoo? Not very dangerous. No animal ever contracted COVID, according to the zoo.

*Source – Igor Chudov*

So now we have a beautiful and thriving gorilla mommy dead for what exact reason? And her cubs are now orphans.

The zoo, of course, is not confessing. But everything is painfully obvious.



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