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Italy Makes COVID-19 Jab Compulsory for Everyone Age 50+



Italy has passed some of Europe’s strictest COVID-19 jab mandates on its population. 

Several months ago, the Italian government ordered companies not to pay unvaccinated workers

The regime applied the rule to public and private sector jobs and turned Italy into a no-jab, no-job country. 

But Italy’s COVID-19 Passport Scheme has failed spectacularly. 

Italy destroyed its record-high daily cases in the previous two weeks, despite having one of the European Union’s strictest COVID-19 jab mandates. 

Last month, Italy had one of the 10 highest COVID-19 injection rates in Europe on Statista

In response, the Italian government wants to make the COVID-19 jabs compulsory for everyone 50 years and older. 

CBS News reported:

Earlier in the day, 189,000 new infections were confirmed in the country of some 59 million people.

“We want to put the brakes on the growth of the curve of contagion and push Italians who are still not vaccinated to do so,” Prime Minister Mario Draghi was quoted by an official in his office as telling his ministers at a Cabinet meeting Wednesday evening.

The Cabinet voted unanimously to impose the mandate, which Public Administration Minister Renato Brunetta said puts Italy in the vanguard in Europe in cracking down on those who refuse to be vaccinated and who now account for the majority of patients in Italy’s rapidly filling ICU beds.

Some 78% of Italy’s population is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, which can cause COVID-19. So far, about 36% have received a booster shot, which experts say is a crucial instrument in reducing the possibility that an infection will necessitate intensive care or be fatal.

Newsweek added:

The mandate is slated to last through at least June 15.

Previously, Italy had passed a mandate affecting all teachers and healthcare workers, requiring them to be fully vaccinated. Additionally, an update to that mandate this past October required all Italian employees to show proof of vaccination or a negative test in order to go to work.



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