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Quebec to Impose “Significant” Financial Penalty on Unvaccinated Residents



Quebec Premier François Legault announced during a Tuesday news conference that the province will apply a “significant” financial penalty to residents who refuse the COVID-19 jab for non-medical reasons.

The premier stated the measure will act as a “health-care contribution,” though the exact price amount remains to be disclosed.

After meetings with the finance minister and legal advisers, Legault contends $50 or $100 isn’t steep enough.

Watch this clip from Legault’s press conference below:

CTV News had the report:

The province is consulting with the finance minister and its legal advisers about implementing the measure, but Legault already said $50 or $100 “is not significant” enough for him.

The tax would apply to all adults in Quebec who refuse to get their first dose of the vaccine “in the next few weeks,” according to the premier. People who have medical exemptions to vaccination will not have to pay the tax.

The unvaccinated “will have a bill to pay because there are consequences on our health-care network and it’s not up to all Quebecers to pay for this,” the premier said.

“It’s a question of equity because right now, these people, they put a very important burden on our health-care network. And I think it’s normal that the majority of the population is asking that there be a consequence,” he continued.

“And yes, we will continue to look at spreading the use of the vaccine passport, but I think we have to go further.”

ABC News added:

He said about 10% of adults in Quebec are unvaccinated, but they represent about 50% of intensive care patients.

“The majority are asking that there be consequences. … It’s a question of fairness for the 90% of the population that have made some sacrifices. We owe them.”

Quebec previously announced a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew. Officials said that will come off as soon as things improve.

As we previously reported, Quebec imposed the Orwellian curfew despite the province’s high COVID-19 inoculation rate.


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