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Kamala’s Office Is In Complete Disarray



Kamala Harris appears to be having severe administrative issues.

She appears to be at odds with Biden’s administration, and recent reports point to a complete disarray within her own office, as high turnover seems to be setting in.

Symone Sanders, who was a Harris senior advisor has announced that she is leaving…

This comes at a time when several high profile resignations are hitting the office of the Vice President.

Is this evidence of incompetence, or something more?

Take a look through these reports and decide for yourself:

Fox News confirms:

More key members working in Vice President Kamala Harris’ office are reportedly “eyeing the exits” after a handful of staffers called it quits in recent weeks.

It was announced last week that Harris’ senior adviser Symone Sanders will leave her post by the end of the year, and according to people familiar with conversations on resignations, “key members of Harris’ orbit are leaving and even more are eyeing the exits,” Politico reported Saturday.


Daily Mail gave us some more insight into the issue:

It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,’ a former colleague told the Washington Post.

‘With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence.

‘So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.’ Harris’s staffers



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